Episode 2

255 20 1

Date: May 6, 2019

"Hey Mingi," Seonghwa said standing to his feet. "I will leave you two alone for a minute."

"No need, I was just leaving," Mingi said.

"Don't you think you need to talk to Yunho?"

"I've tried talking to him, but it's clear he wants space so that's what I'm giving him."

"You're an idiot you know that right? You've been friends for five years. Yes, I know you're history. Your friendship deserves to be fixed. Now talk or so help me," Seonghwa said giving Mingi a look that could kill before leaving the room.

Mingi looked away for a moment before walking near the couch. Yunho sighed and shook his head. He took a sip of tea to clear his nerves before looking at Mingi.

"You can leave, you don't have to pretend that you care."


"Yes pretend," Yunho said.

"You know what Yunho," Mingi said. Yunho stood up, slamming the cup of tea on the table.

"What?" he said getting close to Mingi's face.

Their eyes held a pain that neither shared with the other. While looking into each other's eyes they could see the want, the need. Before either could stop it, their lips were locked in a forbidden dance. It wasn't until Yunho was being straddled by Mingi that he realized how weak his flesh was. He pushed Mingi away trying to catch his breath.

"Stop," he said looking at Mingi with tears in his eyes.

Mingi realized what had just happened and sighed.

"Mingi, tell me the truth. Why did you cheat on me?"

Mingi looked at Yunho and exhaled trying to gather the nerve to tell him exactly why.

"Because I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Yunho asked confused.

"I didn't know what this was. You're the first guy I've ever done anything with. I panicked because I didn't know what this was."

"You came onto me first Mingi," Yunho interjected.

"I was drunk."

"Don't you dare blame this on you being drunk? Do you even care about me Mingi?"

"I do, it's just. I was confused okay. I was confused about us, I was confused about what I wanted, my sexuality. That night with you was amazing. I don't regret it, but it made me question everything. I can't take back what I did Yunho, I can't or I would, but I don't want you to wake up every day and question if I really love you or not."

"Mingi, why didn't you just come to me and talk? That night I told you as you held me in your arms that if you ever needed to talk you could talk to me."

"I know, I just."

"So why did you take that away from me. Why did you take that choice from me?"

"No matter how many times I say sorry it won't take the hurt away. Yunho, I really care about you."

Yunho looked at him, fighting back the tears. He couldn't do this. Why did he still love him?

"Don't give up on me," Mingi said taking Yunho's hand. "I know you hate me right now, and I don't blame you, I fucked up, but please don't give up on me, just give me a chance to earn your trust."

Yunho looked at Mingi's hand that held his. He cleared his throat and stood up slowly.

"I, um, I need to go," Yunho said avoiding eye contact with Mingi before leaving the room.

Mingi sat on the couch thinking about what had just happened. Yunho deserved better than what he could give. Why did it feel so right to be with him? He loved him, he couldn't take back what he'd done, but he would do whatever it took to get Yunho's trust back.

"Yunho," he called out, standing to his feet. Yunho didn't answer. Sighing, he grabbed his keys and looked in the direction of Yunho's room. "Yunho I love you and I'm not giving up on us."

Yunho, sitting in front of his door in case Mingi tried to come in, cried after hearing Mingi's declaration. It hurt to hear it.

"No matter how long it takes," Mingi said as Yunho cried.

Mingi left the dorm. He knew Yunho didn't care much about material things, but he had to start showing Yunho he was serious. He would need help because he was as lost as a newborn baby. Hopefully, there was still time. Hopefully, Yunho hadn't let go.

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