Episode 4

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 "I honestly thought you weren't going to show."

"Why, because I hate you?" Yunho asked.

"You hate me?" Mingi said confused.

"If we are being honest, no, I stopped hating you when I forgave you."

"Wait, you forgive me? When did you forgive me?"

"You ask a lot of questions," Yunho said. "But I don't want to be mad at you anymore Mingi. I just feel like moving on."

"So where does that leave us?" Mingi asked happy to be forgiven but concerned that there was no chance for them to get back together.

"One step at a time Mingi. We'll just see how things go okay?"

Mingi sighed, but he understood. It still didn't help the sting of rejection. He respected Yunho and wouldn't push. He wanted to be with him. After everything that had happened, it was clear to him. He'd noticed how distant Yunho had gotten since Yeosang's death. He'd noticed how much time he'd spend practicing even when they didn't have a schedule. Hongjoong had informed him of the meeting, and he knew it could end with them disbanding. Wooyoung wasn't doing too well either. He hadn't seen him much, but when he did see him, Wooyoung was cold, distant. It was strange, but they all hurt after the loss. They all dealt with it in different ways. Mingi had flung himself into writing lyrics and going to the gym. Even though he tried to talk to Yunho, he knew it wasn't possible because of everything that had happened. Now he felt like there was a chance. Yunho had forgiven him. It was a start, but he had to play his cards right. He had to let Yunho see that he'd change. He hadn't flirted with anyone, he hadn't said anything to the girl, nor had he been with anyone else.

'I'll take that," Mingi said smiling as he ate the food in front of him.

Yunho looked at Mingi. A smile formed on his face. Even though they'd been through so much, he still loved him, but he wondered if being with him was the right choice. Has Mingi truly changed? You can say the words all day long, but actions always speak louder.

"Whatever happens at the meeting, promise to stay in touch," Yunho said.

"You too."

Mingi was nervous. Everyone was, but they had each other. Regardless of the outcome, they'd make it. They had to.

August 5, 2019

Dino was a great guy. He'd spent a lot of time hanging out with Yunho whenever he had time. His schedule was always packed with meetings, practice, and tours. Seventeen was a top tier group and Yunho enjoyed watching their videos. Whenever Dino could, he would call Yunho and talk to him about life, and the future. He was excited when Yunho agreed to let him come over while he didn't have any schedules to distract him. Mingi had noticed all the time Yunho was spending with a member of Seventeen. He didn't like it. It annoyed him, but he couldn't act out. He still tried to be there for Yunho, but their schedules had picked up since the meeting.

"Your dorm is nice," Dino said as he walked in, Yunho by his side.

"Thanks. Everyone's out doing whatever, so it's just me and you. Want something to drink?" Yunho asked heading towards the kitchen.

"I'll take some water," Dino said.

"Make yourself at home."

Yunho returned to the living room with two bottles of water and a bag of popcorn. He sat down next to Dino who was watching a movie. As they talked about the future of things, Dino made it obvious that he was coming on to Yunho, and he was not objecting. One thing led to another and Dino's lips pressed softly against Yunho's. Deepening the kiss, Dino took control and positioned himself on top of Yunho. Yunho's hands ran over Dino's body, touching his back and buttocks before pulling him close. He felt Dino's lips against his neck and he moaned, arching his back slightly. Dino broke the kiss and smirked as Yunho's hand groped him, signaling that he wanted more. Clearly big things come in small packages.

Just as things were getting heated and Yunho's shirt was being removed, Mingi opened the dorm door. Yunho wrapped his legs around Dino's waist and pulled him close. His lips were soft and he was different than other guys, but he was an idol. Their schedules would often conflict, but at this moment he was content.

"What the fuck, get off of him," Mingi yelled snatching Dino off of Yunho.

Dino stood up and pushed Mingi.

"What the hell is your problem man?"

"What the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?"

"Fuck you," Dino said. Mingi swung, his punch colliding with Dino's chin. Dino stumbled back a bit but tackled Mingi to the ground delivering a few punches.

"Stop it you two," Yunho shouted as he stood up and broke them apart.

"Yunho what the hell is going on?" Mingi said looking at him with an intense glare.

"Excuse me?" Yunho said as he turned to Dino. "I'm sorry Dino."

Yunho moved over to Dino to check his lip. It bled slightly and Yunho was mortified.

"I'm fine," he said pushing Yunho's hand away. "Clearly you two need to talk. I'll text you tomorrow."

Dino grabbed his shirt and keys, kissed Yunho on the lips and left without another word. Yunho turned to Mingi and raised a brow.

"What was that," Mingi said.

Yunho noticed his eyes. He was hurt. There was pain there he hadn't seen before.

"Mingi you aren't my boyfriend," Yunho said.

"You said one step at a time. Why the fuck would you give me hope if you were going to go around sleeping with any idol you got your hands on?"

Yunho's hand collided with Mingi's face as he glared at him.

"For your information, Dino and I have been talking for a while. It's none of your business who I sleep with, and for you to stand there as if you're an angel baffles me. I have every right to talk to anyone I choose. You however you had no right to fuck her and lie to me about it."

"I've tried to move on from it but you keep beating me over the head with it. I've tried to make you see that I'm serious about getting back together and you just string me alone like I'm some sort of puppet."

Yunho took a step forward and looked into Mingi's eyes.

"You ever love someone so much that you wanted to spend your life with them, but then you find out that they lied and slept with someone behind your back? You ever experience that type of pain? Sucks don't it?"

Yunho sighed and closed his eyes, leaving the room. Mingi stood still for a moment realizing exactly what Yunho meant. The pain he was feeling seeing Dino kiss Yunho. The pain angered him. It caused him to be violent. He now knew how it felt. Yunho didn't cheat on him, but to see the guy he loves kissing someone else put everything in perspective for him. He had to fix this.

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