@Ackermans_love_420 "Just Five Days"

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Ackermans_love_420 's unique and gripping story, "Just Five Days" is the first RIREN story that I read on Wattpad that inspired me to write my own fan fiction. It was the first time I cried and the first time I laughed out loud, and the first time I realized that fan fiction could and should be considered an art form.

Our author introduces us to Levi and Eren in an intense rehab environment where they become roommates. Both are addicted to drugs and alcohol, both come from troubled pasts and trauma, and both suffer from an extreme dislike for one another. Having fought one too many times, they are hand-cuffed together as an intervention meant to last five days...hence the title and the unbelievable tension.

Jump down the rabbit hole with me, loveys, because this story grabs you by the balls the second you slide in and it doesn't let go. Nor do you want it to. This quickly became the first fan fic I binged all night and the first smut scenes that made me hold my breath and grip the phone a little too tightly. In fact, the boys' first encounter is by far, the hottest, most erotic scene I'd ever experienced. I immediately realized that I'd been subsisting only on smut scenes that were hastily and sloppily thrown together. They fanned the flames, but were easily forgotten. 

In "Just Five Days," Levi and Eren are unleashed on one another, in an all consuming, lusty inferno that I thought about for days afterwards. It became the standard to which I have compared all other smut scenes to date, including my own. I affectionately call Ackermans_love_420 my "Queen of Smut" because she showed me the way to create sex scenes that curl your toes and melt your heart at the same time. Seriously, her smut makes me need to take a knee...every time.

While the tantalizing smut gets you through the door, what keeps you rooted deeply in the story and relating in ways that sometimes feel a little too close to home are the authentic and visceral descriptions of the mental health, loss, substance abuse, childhood trauma and sexual assault the boys of "Just Five Days" endure and attempt to heal from. There's no superficial skimming over these topics, and the author pushes every pained topic into austere and terrifying detail. The fact that Levi and Eren can find love and solace in one another is a miracle, and the author treats it as such. We experience their love of and dedication to one another like cool, clear water on a hot day. 

Having been through a lot of what our boys have gone through in this story, I found myself learning from and growing through their healing and newfound desire to survive as a result of their love for one another. Which takes this to a whole other level of fan fic. Yes, it's Levi and Eren, but this author elevates their characters to a level of humanity that's rare and stunning, while also fleshing out the surrounding characters into well-rounded souls that support Levi and Eren's journey. It's no wonder she wrote a sequel. No one wants this story to end. Thank god she obliged us. 

This story made me want to write for the first time in 25 years. Because of her example, I've made that dream a reality. Thank you, oh great Queen of Smut. I owe you everything.

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This author is in the process of remastering this story. She's made some powerful changes, so you may want to start with the remastered version at https://www.wattpad.com/story/196341099-just-five-days-remastered

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