How we all meet

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I should warn all of you, I didn't read through this for mistakes and I apologize for this, but I promise I will try to be more professional soon. Thank you for reading this!


Hazel: okay this is how I'm gonna get them together, I put clues that lead to portals for all of them to get here, it'll take about five to twenty minutes for them to get here-

*Ford and Dipper fall through a forest green portal*

Hazel: or maybe not..... that took about under five minutes for you two, hi! My name is Hazel, I take it you found my clues for fun?

Dipper: yeah, your clues weren't that hard for us to crack, we were trying to play Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons when we found them.

Ford: thinking D&D&MoreD wasn't enough of a challenge we tried out your clues..... which, sorry to say this, didn't deliver much either.

Hazel: well okay then..... watch the both of you get hate, but I was wondering if you wanted to play a game?

Dipper and Ford: *exchange a look and look at Hazel* depends on what you mean...

Hazel: the game is basically a truth or dare game, but other people that I may or may not know are gonna be giving us the questions and dares. Will you two be staying here with me??

Ford: I don't know.... Dipper, what do you think? *looks down at a happy looking Dipper*

Dipper: *trying not to fangirl scream* I want too!! Grunkle Ford, what about you??

Ford: *can tell Dipper is going through another crush phase* well-

*gets interrupted by the turtles and April falling through a dark blue portal*

Leo: are you sure that's where the clues were leading us too Donnie?? *stands up and sees us* Nevermind-

Mikey: hi!! I'm Mikey, what's your name?! *hugs me tight* Can we be best friends???

Hazel: *starts to cough* can't...... b-b-b-

April: Mikey, she can't breathe, we talked about this! *pries Mikey off of me* I'm sorry about him, he just likes making new friends, my name's April. Where are we?

Donnie: from what the clues said, we're in a magical realm where we're here to play a game, right????

Dipper: OH MY GOSH, GRUNKLE FORD, LOOK!!! THEY'RE HUMANOID TURTLE!!! *actually fangirl screams* I-I mean *clears his throat, was about to say something, but faints*

Ford: *chuckles and takes out a notepad and a pencil* can I ask you turtles a few questions???

Raph: how do we know we can trust any of ya?? *takes out his sais*

Hazel: because we don't know how to fight with weapons, I mean sure Ford has a gun in his jacket, but he'll only use that if he needs to protect himself or his family. Right Ford?

Ford: *looks at me shocked* how do you know that?! *pins me against the wall* Do you work for NASA?! I did nothing, ya hear?!?!

*another portal opens and Casey finally gets here, but looks around to see his friends and what he thinks is a cute girl getting threatened by a man*

Casey: hey, lay off the girl man! *hits Ford away with his hockey stick* Are you okay?? *helps me up*

Hazel: *blushing and nods* y-yeah, thanks.... Ford if you let me explain-

*forest green portal opens up and the rest of the Gravity Falls gang comes falling into the room*

Mabel: *groans* where are we- *sees the turtles and gasps* OH MY GOSH!! YOU ALL LOOK SO HANDSOME!! *runs towards Leo and hugs his arm* And so strong.... hooo hooo!~

Leo: *feels uncomfortable* uhhh.... guys??

Donnie: okay, let go of him-

Wendy: so.... what're we here to play??

Stan: do we win money?? How much?!

Hazel: okay, since everyone is here now-

Hazel and Melody: Soos stop trying to lick the doorknob, you'll get sick!!

Soos: *looks back at us* waah??

Hazel: anyways, since you're all here now, we're here to play a type of truth or dare game, where people I might know will be asking or daring us at random. Are you al staying, or do I have to make another portal to send you all back home?

Stan and Raph: what's the catch??

Casey: I'm in

Hazel: there isn't any catch, just for fun, but the people seeing this might know about your lives back where you live, so they could use some of your past stuff to mess with you.

April: *sarcasm* no catch, huh?

Leo: can we go back home??

Mikey: but Leooooo I wanna stay!! Please *give him puppy dog eyes*

Stan: oh geez, it's like there's another Mabel!

Donnie: just wait until you see him when he gets pranky *rolls his eyes*

Ford: oh that's basically Wendy-

Wendy: hey! *punches Ford* Don't mess with a Corduroy!!

Hazel: Wendy, no! I do not support vilence!!!

Raph: *smirks and punches Mikey and Leo in the shoulder*

Leo and Mikey: ow! *grabs their shoulder in pain* What the heck man?!

Hazel: don't think I didn't notice that Raphael!! *claps twice and Raph is now sat in a chair as ropes float over and tie him up*

Mabel: *gasps* just like Mabel-land!! How did you do that?!

Ford: she's a threat! *grabs out his blaster from his coat* Get back! *aims it at me*

Casey: hey she isn't doing anything wrong! *stands in the way of the gun*

Stan: fight, fight, fight! *smiling big*

Dipper: *groans as he wakes up* I had the weirdest dream, Mabel- *looks around to see he wasn't dreaming and sees Ford aiming his gun at me* Grunkle Ford, NO!! *pulls his arm down*

Ford: ackk! Dipper! *accidentally pulls the trigger and shoots the tip of Donnies bo-staff*

April: just calm down!

Hazel: okay, everyone just do your normal thing and I'm sure we'll get some type of question or dare soon..... *mumbles* I hope


That's the end of this one you guys!! Can't wait for the asks and dares I'll get, now it's time for my signature-


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