Major pranks-

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I am doing the dares/questions in the order that choose, so since there's two prank dares, they're going to be done in this chapter alone. Thank you for understanding!


Hazel: let's get this over with- everyone except for April and Mikey can go do whatever they want, there's an arcade in the other room. There's also a movie room-

Everyone except April, Dipper and Mikey: well I know what I'm doing!!

Wendy: Donnie, was it?? Let's go play some games!!

Donnie: *blushes* o-okay! *walks side by side with Wendy*

April: *looks down at Dipper* what're you still doing in here??

Mikey: yeah! You just got told that there's an arcade!! An arcade dude!!!

Dipper: I didn't want to go watch movies or play games, if anything I wanna see what's happening-

Hazel: *raises an eyebrow* or you wanted to see me longer??

Mikey: anyways ... *starts shaking me* why are me and April still in here dudette?!

April: Mikey, what have we talked about shaking people??

Hazel: I'm fine, but you two got dared to prank someone, two different people-

Dipper: *voice crack* Is It Me?!?!

April: if it was she would've told you to walk out!

Mikey: *smiles big* who do I get to prank?!?! *rubs his hands together* You'll get to see Dr. Prankenstein in action!!!! *evilly laughs somehow*

Dipper: OkAy ThEn, Is It MaBeL?!?!

Hazel: sorry to say this Dipper, yes it's Mabel, Mikey you get to prank Raph-

Mikey: anything specific??

Hazel: no, April on the other hand, got dared to prank Mabel by giving her an Atomic Wedgie-

April and Dipper: is that the type of wedgie where you put their underwear over their head??

Hazel and Mikey: yeah

Mikey: I'm gonna go brainstorm! *runs to the kitchen* I found pizza!!! Brain food!!! *is heard eating pizza*

Dipper: I can't let you prank my sister! *tries to punch April in the arm, but ended up hurting his fist somehow*

April: should I feel hurt?? I don't feel hurt

Hazel: Dipper, don't make this harder than it already is-

Dipper: NEVER-

Hazel: *claps hands twice so Dipper could be duct taped to the ceiling with duct tape over his mouth*

Dipper: *tries to scream, but it got muffled by the tape, barely even heard*

April: should any of us be worried about you using that weird power against us??

Hazel: unless all of you annoyed me, but that's kind of impossible, because I'm too nice, now let's get to that prank!! *grabs April by the hand and pulls her to the movie room*

Mabel: *is glaring at Raph* but I'm just saying that any of these Disney movies I picked out sound amazing!!!! Like.... *picks up a movie* Tangled or Oliver and the Company!!!

Raph: and I'm sayin that I ain't watching some love movie or something about talking animals!!!

Leo: lighten up a bit Raph, now if you excuse me, I am going to the arcade room!! *runs out* Good luck Mabel!!

Mabel: thanks-

*April sneaks up behind Mabel and grabs her underwear, which is pink with rainbows on it, then she pulls it over Mabels head in an instant. Mabel screamed as she tried to get it off, but somehow couldn't, we see Soos recording this. Melody on the other hand, tries to go and help Mabel with the Atomic Wedgie*

Raph: *chuckles* why'd ya do that??

April: *shrugs her shoulders* it was a dare *walks out of the room*

Hazel: well that happened, now let's-

Raph: I'm done with this for right now, do I have a room here?? *looks down at me*

Hazel: yes, let me show you the way *signs to whoever else is in the room to tell Mikey about Raph going to sleep*

Soos: *watches the signing* what does that mean Melody?? *looks at her*

Melody: *nods her head once* she said to tell Mikey about Raph going to sleep..... which one is Mikey-

Soos: I know this one!!

Mabel: *finally got her underwear off of her head* I'll tell him, I remember what he looks like and I'm thinking if I can get another chance with one of these turtles!! *runs around looking for Mikey* MIKEY!!! *runs in the kitchen*

Mikey: hey dudette, sorry, can't talk now, I'm trying to think of pranks I can do to my brother-

Mabel: Hazel wanted you to know that Raph is going to sleep, who are you pranking?? *gasps* Can I help?!

Mikey: actually you can, grab some of that tinfoil, let's find Raph's room!!

-short little time skip-

*in Raphs room*

Raph: *yawns as he tries to stretch, realizes he can't, so he looks down at his body*

*outside of the room*

Hazel: so I said-


Mabel: you said that???

Donnie: no Mabel, Raph is apparently wrapped and duct taped in tin foil

*the room got quiet for a second*

Leo and Wendy: who wants to go take a picture of him???


That's it for this chapter you guys! Now it's time for me to say good-


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