4 dares

17 0 33

There was a new dare from Sihsdhihhsvafhig so I hope you like this!!


Hazel: while you guys go and help them, Wendy, you got a dare!

Wendy: really?? Noice! What is it??

Leo: I'm gonna to take a picture before they get him out of the bed, see you later! *runs away*

Hazel: well, I shouldn't tell you, but wanna go to the arcade??

Wendy: you know it!! I'll ditch work any day!

-at the arcade-

Hazel: okay- hey look! Fight Fighters!

Wendy: let's play!! Hey, yo I found a cheat code on the side of this thing!! Tell it to me as I play??

Hazel: sure.... "back, back, hold, forward, back, forward, down, hold, quarter circle, forward" and "triple punch"

*a light blinds the two girls as the game asks*


Wendy: what if I don't want too???


*the game sucked Wendy inside with a blinding light to confuse Hazel*

Hazel: I didn't even have to do that, she did it herself *walks over to the game to see that Wendy is a character*

Wendy: *from inside the game* oh my gosh, this is so cool!!..... how do I get out??


Hazel: why'd you rhyme to say that??

Wendy: how do I win though?? Everyone here is super jacked!!

Hazel: here, I'll see who looks like chumps..... there's Joe and Suggessica, who do you want to go against??

Wendy: I say Joe, he looks stupid enough to beat.

Hazel: okay, I'm choosing the characters now, this might feel a bit weird *clicks on Wendy*

Wendy: dude that tickles!

Hazel: *clicks on Joe Zambique* there we go, now you just fight the guy, hope you win Wendy, because if you don't..... maybe you die. Or maybe you'll just be stuck in there as a permanent character, either way it's a lose lose for you.

Fight Fighters: FIGHT!

Hazel: *watches the fight begin*

Wendy: *jumps and tries her best to fight the man, but is horribly failing* can't you help?!

Hazel: I don't know, let me try something real quick *grabs the gaming controls and moves them around a bit*

Wendy: well, I'm not in control, maybe you're doing that, keep going!!

Hazel: I'm not the gaming type of person, but to get you out I can try.... *basically button mashing* I think I'm winning.

Wendy: *jumps above the dude and stomps him into the ground, killing him instantly*

Fight Fighters: FINISH HIM!

Hazel: I'll let you do this

Wendy: awww, what??? Weak, I can't do anything! *looks down at the head in the ground and kicks it*

Joe: *dies*

Fight Fighters: WINNER, WENDY!!

Wendy: why am I still here???

Hazel: it did say you have to yell out your name, just do that and you're free!

Wendy: this feels so stupid..... WENDY-

*light flashes and Wendy is back*

Wendy: I thought that would've taken longer

Hazel: that was just your dare, I still got to do the others

-back at the home where I have everyone-

Hazel: just know that I have an aggressive cousin that likes to see violence *punches Ford*

Ford: what the hell kid?!

Raph: woah! Ford knows how to swear!!

Soos: *covers Mabels ears* think of the children, dude!

Melody: yeah! *covers Dippers ears*

Stan: fight, fight, fight!!!

Ford: I am not fighting a kid Stanley!!

Leo: now what???

Hazel: well, Ford.... can you grab my coat from that closet right there?? *points at the closet* I'm getting kind of cold right now and you're closer.

Ford: okayyyy.... *goes into the closet*

Hazel: *claps hands twice*

*closet door closes and locks Ford inside*

Donnie: why are you being so aggressive???

Wendy: what'd you do???

Stan: did you lock him in there?! *laughs hysterically*

Hazel: in order, like I said, it was from my cousin; locked him in the closet; and yes I locked him in the closet, it was a dare from my cousin.

Raph: what's next, you're gonna torture a child??

Mabel: can it be Dipper?!

Dipper: WhAt? Why me?!

April: please tell me it's not me!!

Casey and Mikey: or me, dudes!

Donnie and Leo: just let the girl talk and we'd find out!

Hazel: Mabel, follow me to this pole

Mabel: do I get to climb the pole??

Hazel: sure.....

Dipper: I don't like the way you sounded saying that-

Melody: trust her Dipper, if we don't..... who knows what she could do with the clap of her hands

*Mabel began to climb the pole, but Hazel clapped her hands twice, now Mabel's right hand is superglued onto the pole*

Mabel: how do you do that????

Soos: what'd she do, dogs??

Donnie: it looks like she glued Mabel to the pole..... one question; why??

Hazel: a dare to keep her away from Leo, now I'll do one last one....

*everyone looked at Hazel scared*

Hazel: oh wait- that was all of the dares, we're caught up now, okay.... now we just hang out with anyone or do whatever we want.


That is the last of the dares, now it is time for our good-


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