3 chapter dare-

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I did not read this through, I apologize deeply you guys!


Hazel: okay, here we are, onto today's dare! That'll take a while, but I think we can do this!

Leo: what's in store for today, Hazel??

Casey: do we get to fight?!

Stan: *sits up from his position on the couch and yells* fight, fight, fight!

Louisa: Stan, there isn't a fight!

Ford: there could be at one point, you're all just a bunch of moody teens-

Raph and Wendy: *glares at Ford* watch it!

Donnie: Hazel, what is the dare??

Hazel: I'm glad you asked Donatello, you got dared to hold Louisa's hand until I tell you that you can let go! If you let go before then, I'll lock you both in a room.

Mikey: separately or together??

April: most likely separately-

Soos: *smiles and a tear goes down his left eye* I knew the ship would sail.....

Ford: should we be concerned about him??

Melody: no, he just gets emotional and very serious when it comes to relationships. Even if it isn't his own *puts a hand on Soos' shoulder*

Hazel: anyways *smiles big* now hold hands!

Louisa: *blushes* who even did the dare anyways??

Mabel: it looks like it was.... Weirdie77!!!

Donnie: who??

Dipper: Mabel, stop taking other peoples' phones! *grabs Hazel's phone and gives it back to her* here you go-

Hazel: *smiles* thank you Dipper- HOLD HANDS!

Louisa: *grabs Donnie's hand out of fright of Hazel*

Donnie: *blushes*

Ford: *rolls his eyes*

Stan: okay, was that it??

Raph: yeah, I want to go and train!

Wendy: I just wanted to see what we could do outside *points her thumb to a closet instead of a door*

April: Wendy, that's a closet

Soos: really?! *walks towards the closet and walks in like it's an actual door*

Melody: *giggles* Soos, get out of the closet!

Hazel: okay, I'm getting tired of hanging around adults, aren't you guys??

Children: *agree*

Stan: are you plannin on killing us?!

Ford: I won't let you!

Soos: *walks out of the closet* yo, what's up- *sees Ford is angry* what'd I miss??

Melody: we're going to die!

Dipper and Mabel: I won't let you kill my family!!

April and Leo: she wouldn't kill your family!!!

Hazel: *rolls eyes playfully and claps hands twice*

*every adult in the room is now a teenager, around fourteen, maybe older by a year or two*

Louisa: woah, I never would've thought of that-

Ford: what did you- I sound fifteen again.....

Stan: we are fifteen again!

Soos and Melody: *looks at the other* woah, you looked so cute as a teen!

Mabel: I never thought I'd see Grunkle Stan and Ford as teens!!

Wendy: it's weird..... *shudders*

Leo: how do you have these powers Hazel??

Casey: it's a cool power!

Ford: wait..... that means I can finally do this without feeling horrible about myself!!

Mikey: do what-

Ford: *goes over to Louisa and kisses her passionately*

Louisa: *doesn't know what to do as her eyes widen*

Stan: woah, now that's new-

Raph: isn't is still weird that-

Hazel: okay then.....


That's all I have for you guys today, so I bid you a good-


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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