Chapter 1

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It was a certain morning in konoha, naruto and sakura walked together to visit their dear friend sasuke, alot of people started approaching them and greeted good morning to the hero of the village as he passes by

"Ohayo! Naruto-kun!"


He greeted as well left to right and made it through the crowd. He inhaled and exhaled heavily "I thought you love being popular?" Sakura said " well yes, i do but when I experienced it, its like my head is gonna explode" naruto replied, sakura chuckled on what he said. And finally they arrived at the hospital

"Ohh.. Ohayo naruto-kun, sakura-chan"

"Ohayo!" Sakura greeted back "is sasuke okay now?"

"Oh yes he is, he's in room 24, 2nd floor"

"Alright, arigatou"

They left and went to room 24. Sakura slowly opened the door and entered closing the door without a sound, she might wake up sasuke.

"Sasuke... Why are you still not awake" naruto frowned looking on sasuke's pale face "we are still waiting for you to wake up... And I hope soon you will" A one single tear streamed down on naruto's cheek, he wiped it away and left he couldn't bare to see his bestfriend like that so he turned back leading towards the door "sakura-chan. Ill go for a short walk down at the park"


"Ill see you later then"

He opened the door and left slamming it slowly. As for sakura, she took a chair and placed it next to the bed of sasuke. She looked at him and it flashed back to her what happened


"Sakura-chan! Look out!!" Naruto screamed. But its too late for her, shes at her limit. She couldn't move and couldn't use any jutsu. She sat their panting in exhaustion, She was shaking and didn't know what to do. So she closed her eyes and then she heard someone being hit.

her eyes flew open and saw sasuke covered with blood infront of her "sasuke-kun!!!" He knelt down and said "A-are you, O-okay"

"why did you-"

"I-I just realized that I- like you" after saying that he collapsed

"Sasuke-kun... Sasuke-kun!!!"

_End of Flashback_

Sakura frowned at that thought "sasuke... Please wake up" she held his hand "please... I want you to tell me if what you said was true" a tear quickly streamed down her cheek and dripped on the floor "do you really like me?" She finally said it. She cried leaning her arms in the bed.

"W-where am I?"

She heard a voice, and the voice was like sasukes. Her eyes turned to him and smiled happily


Hello! Sorry if I am not that good, there are some missing words I cant remember but though please vote, comment and follow me please and thank you!!!

Ohh and I update every 2 days! Sometimes i cant so sowwy

(Hey guys sorry for not updating😭 I corrected my errors here)

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