Chapter 3

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"Amnesia is losing someones memory"

"Dont tell me-"

"I'm so sorry to say this but he cant remember anything about his pasts"

What... Sasuke... Cant remember anything?

She thought on her mind

"Uhm so can I go in and check on to sasuke?"

"Yes, you can"

"Alright arigatou"

She bowed in respect and slowly walked closer near the door, she peeked at the doors window to see what sasuke was doing "Oh sasuke..." A small tear fell down her eye but she wiped it with her hands. She opened the door and saw sasuke staring at the window but was interrupted by sakura when she entered

"May I come in?" She asked before she could take 1 more step "yes, you may" he bowed his head and let her enter "so you are?"

"Sakura... Sakura Haruno"

Its funny how he asked, its like they first met each other

"Oh... Hello, Sakura-chan" he smiled politely, Its his first time smiling at her. Normally he would just ignore her, she smiled back acting like nothing happened to him "so... Sasuke-kun when are you going out the hospital?" She asked "tomorrow, at least thats what the doctor said"

"Oh thats nice maybe I could walk you home. Me and naruto-kun"

"Naruto? Who is he?"

"Well one of the member of the squad 7"

"Oh okay. Well then ill see you and this naruto dude tomorrow" he smile again, and once again sakura returned a smile. She waved her hands back and fourth to sasuke before she left

Lets see if he can remember...

She frowned leaving the hospital.

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