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"She still antagonizing you?" A black haired female asked, concerned for her friend whom had been pacing back and forth in the break room of the studio. [Name] nodded rapidly, groaning as she slimped down next to her friend, hiding her fustrated face in her hands.

"God I hate her." [Name] groaned, making her friend chuckle softly as she threw an arm around her shoulders. "It's just- Why does she only target me? Why hasn't Awsten noticed that she wants me gone?" He shrugged, rubbing her back as she whined helplessly in her palms.

Today, Awstens girlfriend visted the studio, unknowing to [Name]- She just came in to tourment the said girl.

"Ethan, why is he so dense?" [Name] whined, turning her head to her friend with such annoyance and pitty written on her face as she shrugged once more. "He's just stupid? I'm sorry- But he may be your best friend, but he's pretty dumb to be distracted by a girl who's just using him then see the girl thats been basically devoting her life to him."

"Devoting her life to who?" A voice asked, the two both turning their attention to the door as the long haired male walked through.

"Awsten." Ethan said, causing Otto to hum in understanding. "Ooh you mean that situation." He said, making the black haired female nod in confirmation. [Name]s eyes widened in suprise, her head snapping to the female next to her as her face turned into one of sudden shock.

"You told him?!" She shreeked. "In my defense, he read my messages between us. Plus, he's my boyfriend- He's OTTO. He can keep his mouth shut." Ethan stated, making the [Hair Color] haired girl huff in defeat. She mumbled as she got up from the couch, making her way to the vending machine the break room had. Getting a [Favorite Snack], she reached to grab her desired snack, only for another hand to snatch the good from the machine slot.

"Aww how did you know this was my favorite snack?" The voice of a cheery, yet annoying girl taunted, making [Name] silently pray to Satan she could drop dead. [Name] turned to the girl, putting on the fakest of smiles as she spun around to go back to the couches with her friend. She flopped next to Ethan, who scrunched her nose as she made a face of mockery of the disliked girl.

Otto shook his head, sitting next to his significant other as he scrolled through his phone. Ethan leaning back on her boyfriend as she threw her legs over [Name]s lap, getting comfortable as the black haired female plotted innocent sabatoge.

"Hey [Name], Otto and I were gonna go out to eat later at that new restrauant that opened. I heard their food is killer.~"

[Name] turned to her friend, squinting as she tried to see what she was plotting, only to just see the stupid grinning face Ethan had as she continued on with her plan.

"Wanna join?" She sang, [Name] finally realizing what her friend was getting at, as she caught the disliked girl starring in intrest of the conversation. [Name] smiled, turning her head to face her black haired friend, who was grinning like a moron. "Sure."

[Name] knew Ciara had bugged the fuck out of Awsten to take her to that new resturant, Ethan, being the little jerk-face she was, decided to throw that in her snobby face.

Before the two knew it, Ciara had stormed out of the break room, causing both girls to giggle softly at their successful attempt to piss the girl off.


"You've gotta be fucking shitting me." Ethan seethed, teeth gritting in annoyance as her brown and blue eyes burned with rage at the sight of the disliked woman. [Name] whinced in agony, letting her head bump into Ottos arm dissapointedly as he shrugged, trying to make the girl feel better. "I mean it could get worse-"

𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑶𝑭 𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 [𝒂𝒘𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕]Where stories live. Discover now