Chapter 1

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I ran, darting through the long grass alongside the fence. Behind me I heard the unintelligible yells of humans and the roar of the machines they drove. They wanted me, whatever for. For 3 months id been on my own avoiding The City. That was until today, when I got bold. And unlucky. A patrol of strange machine-dog hybrids had found me and howled the alarm. A strangled yelp emerged from my throat as something small and painful plunged into my shoulder. I tried to keep running, but exhaustion was taking over and my paws dragged on the ground. Another small thing plunged into my back as the humans got closer. I collapsed to the ground, my dusty brown fur, blending in with the dirt and coarse brush. The last thing I remember is the purr of engines shutting off, humans yelling and the smell of dust in my nose as my eyes closed.

I whine, opening my eyes to the dim light. I haul myself up off the cold, concrete floor and take in my surroundings. Thick mesh fencing surrounds the front and side walls, with a small door in the front. I hear faint whines and whimpers of other animals. Along with creaks and robotic sounding movements that grow louder with each step. Suddenly one of those robot-dog things appear in front of my cage. Menacing, bright red eyes stare back at me. A metal plate covers one half of its face, and runs along its spine leading to a stubby metal tail. Its left hind leg is also metal. I scramble back suddenly horrified, my tail tucked between my legs.

"Don't be scared. That's just a Cyber." A small, slightly raspy voice calls to my left. The Cyber moves on and im left with the strange voice. I stand and cautiously pad over to the wire peering through. Sitting in the dimness, is a small shaggy white dog.

"A Cyber?" I repeat confused. The little dog nods.

"Yes. Their dogs who were born mutated or have been.... Experimented on.... They're basically the police of The City." She explains kindly and moves forward a few steps. "You dont look like a dog though..." She tilts her head, revealing a large metal band around her neck. I gasp and paw at my neck, trying to pry it off in terror. I only succeeded in strangling me. I flopped to the ground, panting. The dog stares at me shocked. "Oh, sweet bones! Are you alright?!" She questions, her small black nose pressed through the wire. I carefully sit up and nod.

"Y-yes.... What.. what is this? Why do I have this? What do you mean i dont look like a dog? What's your name? Why do the Cybers look like that?" I ask, staring at her feeling shocked and terrified and curious at the same time. The dog smiles. "For starters, my name is 246. No, it's not my real name. It's just what they call me and the number on my collar. They use collars to keep track of us." 246 squints at my neck, before nodding. "You're 387. And hm... are you a wolf? We had one here a while ago....." My ears prick interested, but she moves on. "The Cybers look like that because their... modified. Cyborgs. Part machines. Fast, deadly and obedient." 246 explains. She smiles slightly. "Don't worry 387. You should be released into the city sometime. Now, get some rest. You could use it." She says, taking on a motherly tone. With that she then turns away, heading to a back corner. I watch her before turning away and laying in the center of my cage. I felt so.... Exposed. Lonely. It was so much to take in... Cybers, this strange place, a new "name".. I curled into a ball on the cold floor, my fluffy tail resting over my nose. I scanned the dark area, the metal fencing and listened to the quieting whines of the other animals here. 

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