Chapter 5

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I flicked an ear, feeling itchy. Something heavy and scratchy was laying over my back and tucked around my neck. Slowly, painfully I opened my eyes. A faint glow washed over the alley where I lay hidden. I lifted my head, flinching at the slight pain, and peered out carefully. A large figure suddenly appeared in my view. I jerked back, snarling. The figure pinned its ears and darted back. In a small, male voice they spoke.
"S-sorry... I didn't mean to scare y-you. You're safe now." He explained. He shifted so I could see him better. He had a short, golden coat that was pretty dirty and bright brown eyes. He wagged his tail at me, trying to seem friendly.
"Where am i?" My voice sounded raspy, like i haven't spoken in awhile. I shifted trying to stand, but flinched as my left paw touched the ground.
"C-careful! You were badly hurt when we found you.... Your leg might be sore, a-and your neck is still h-healing." He said swiftly, gently pushing me back down with a paw. My eyes narrowed.
"We? Who are you? Who else is here?" A cold edge to my voice. Suddenly a colder, higher pitched voice appeared above me. "I'm here as well... And I suggest you treat Conner with kindness. He saved your life." A small figure jumped down, gingerly settling itself next to the dog, Conner. My eyes widened as Conner wagged his tail at the new creature.
"You trust that cat!" I said baffled. The shaggy cat narrowed it piercing green eyes at me. "I have a name." He hissed. "My name is Timothy. And yes, I am a cat." Something in his tone warned me against testing him further. Still confused, I changed the topic. "How long have you two been in The City?" I asked. Conner squinted thinking. Timothy sighed. "About a year or two. We met our first days here." I nodded. "And what is your name, she-dog?" The cat questioned. "Maze." I responded swiftly, having grown used to my new name. The cat nodded and sauntered off, fluffy tail swishing behind him. Conner watched me, before grinning. "Y-you can stay with us while you heal if you w-would like. T-timothy wont mind."

Months went by and even though i was healed by now, i stayed with Conner and Timothy. They made for an odd pair, and I'm sure I completed the trio. Conner with his strange bark and then the bossy cat. But they were good company and Timothy wasn't always as harsh as he seemed. They both cared for each other. I pinned my ears slightly as I thought of that. It reminded me of my brother.
"What's wrong?" Timothy asked from where he was perched on my back. I huffed as I remembered how well he could read canine body language. "Nothing." I said quickly, looking over at Conner, who was sniffing the air for any stray dogs. We were on a patrol today. I normally try to go alone, but Conner always wants to come and that means Timothy must as well. Suddenly Conner yelped as a large black figure slammed into him. The figure scrambled off him and stepped back, ears pinned and teeth bared. Timothy jumped off my back and onto the ground hissing at the dog. If he was speaking, I had no clue what he was saying.

"Who are you?" The dog snarled, wary of us. Conner was standing again, though his right paw was slightly lifted off the ground. "Who are you? You're in our territory." I said coldly. She looked confused for a moment. "Territory?" Timothy hissed again. "I'm Ash." She said quickly, and looked wary at the cat. "Look, i was just trying to find food and a place to hide. I saw you and thought you were coming to kill me. That's all I've seen here." Ash explained, her defensive posture relaxing slowly. Conner's expression softened. "W-would you like to s-stay with us?" A look of shock flashed over all 3 of our faces. "Conner, are you sure? She did attack you." I asked. He just shrugged in response. "S-so? She's new here. She needs a p-pack." Timothy sighed before speaking. "Fine. But you cant hurt Maze or Conner. I am Timothy by the way." He flicks his tail at us as he says our names. She nods slowly, processing what she has been told recently. Conner wags his tail. "G-great! Come on Ash!" He says and turns padding back the way we came. Ash glances at me and the cat, before chasing after Conner. Timothy jumps on my back again as i pad after them. I could tell he was unhappy with the situation. But he would calm down, like he did with me.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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