Chapter 4

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I lay gasping for breathe, on a pile of boxes. It was another smog day. The air so thick with chemicals and nasty gas. My lungs weren't used to it at all. Didn't help when I had just gotten back from another territory run. Unlike other dogs, i chose to work alone. I had been in the City for 4 months now, i think. In that time ive secured a small section of the City, and met countless other dogs. Most dogs avoided me... I had somehow developed a reputation for being cold and heartless. Lying on my side, I licked at a fresh wound on my leg. My relaxation didn't last long. Shadow's pack was back.

I had learned the black dogs name, barely 2 days after I arrived. I tried to make a territory far away from them, but it was either close to them, large/angry dogs or the slums. A wide open are, with dirty ooze that will burn your fur off. Smelled horrible too. I've heard a few stories from loners, that one sniff of that ooze will stop your nose from working. They were crazy, absurd stories but I wasn't taking any chances.

I snarled and stood, raising my hackles, and pointing my ears. Calmly, Shadow and 3 other dogs walked into my alley. They had been bothering me constantly now. "Don't you have better things to do?" I growled, coldly.

Shadow merely chuckled. "Now, now pup. That's no way to treat a guest."

"That's what you're calling yourself now? You lying, thieving, no good-" I was slammed to the ground. I shouldn't have left my perch on the boxes. I snarled, trying to break free. I had gotten stronger from my time on the streets, but I still was no match for Shadow and his followers. I fixes my golden eyes on the large brown and black dog, holding me down.

"Now, let's talk." Shadow said, moving so he was peering down at me. I bared my teeth, but stopped moving. He continued, but I wasn't listening. I was slowly, carefully, scooting my body forward.

"So... Do we have a deal?" He asked. I snarled and thrust my body forward, snapping my jaws closed around his face. Shadow let out a howl of pure pain and shock. The dog pinning me down, yelped in shock and rushed to help her leader. I scrambled up and backed away, licking the blood from my lips. I watched Shadow, who had one eye shut and thick blood dripping down his face. I was kinda surprised by what I just did. None of our "talks" had ever turned violent. Shadow turned his head towards me and snarled. I backed away, before turning and bolting away from the dogs.

"Don't just stand there! GET HER!" I heard him howl. Soon after, I heard the heavy pounding of paws behind me. Panicked, I ran faster, ignoring the sharp pain in my front leg. I had to pause for a few seconds, every couple blocks to try and regain my breathe, from the run and the nasty air.

They chased me for a while, determined to get revenge for their leader. At one point I glanced behind me to see where they were. My first mistake. One my paws hit something and i fell, crashing into the ground. I lay stunned, but as soon as i tried to get up, I was slammed to the ground. Instantly I tried to pull the same move as before. My second mistake. As i moved upward, jaws closed around my throat, and claws dug into my fur. I immediately froze, a small whine escaping my throat.

"Time to meet your fate, Maze." I heard a muffled snarl, from the dog. I shut my eyes, accepting my fate. I couldn't get out of this one. Great Wolf? Please.. Don't let me die... Please.... My mind flashed to the forest, the clean air, the trees. It would be horrible to die in this place. I pleaded to the Great Wolf in my head, hoping that a miracle would happen.

With a snarl, the weight was ripped of from over me and my head slammed to the ground. I could feel blood dripping down my neck from the dogs teeth. I blinked as a shadow fell over me. I flinched, my eyes slowly closing before I passed out. 

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