You're John Lennon

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When I awoke it was morning. I was lying down in a bed. My back ached, I must have slept wrong. I sat up and looked around.

"What the-?" I thought. "Where the hell am I?" The room looked expensive and it even had its own bathroom. Did I live here? I was so confused that I hadn't realized that someone was lying next to me.

"A girl?" I thought, "maybe a boy?"

I lifted the blanket up and saw that it was indeed a boy. He was wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"Why was I sleeping next to him?" "Who was he?" "What is even going on?"

I didn't know the answer to any of these questions. I examined the boy again. Maybe he would have answers. He had dark hair, plump cheeks, long eyelashes, and his lips...they looked very soft.

For a moment, I just stared at him. Watching as his chest rose and fell as he slept. I admired him, he was like art. Then I wondered...what do I look like?

I shifted myself off the bed and into the bathroom. I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror.

I frowned.

"What's with this nose?" I asked. "And wow, what am I? Blind?!"

"Johnny?" I heard a small voice from the other room.

"The boy" I thought and looked in though the bathroom doorway.

"Johnny, what are you talking about?"

Okay, my name is Johnny. Why didn't I know this? What is wrong with me? My head began to hurt.

"Uh, hello..." I started and walked over to him awkwardly, "Uh... I'm a little confused..."

"What? Why? Are you alright?" he came over and placed his hand on my forehead. "You're not getting a fever..."

"No, um... Do I know you?"

He gave me a sour look, and then giggled. "John, don't screw with me"

"I'm not..." I bit my lip, "I don't really know anything... I mean, I don't know who I am. Or why I'm here, or who you are..."

The young boy didn't speak. He just frowned.

A few seconds went by and he crossed his arms, "Now, I don't understand. C'mon John, this isn't funny."

"No, I'm serious! I don't even know your name!" I motioned my hands towards him, "I didn't even know my name until a few minutes ago!"

"You''re lying"


"Whats my name?"

"I don't know, I just told you that!"

He pouted, "Guess then"

"Uh" I looked at him harder, squinting my eyes in the process, "Tom? Nick? Jay? Maybe? I don't know!"

"None of those are right!" he yelled and ran out of the room.

I followed him and saw more people outside the room. "Great...more people I don't know"

Two other boys were sitting down playing card games. I believed there to be more people, for I heard voices in the kitchen.
The boy I had just been talking to walked over to the ones playing cards.

One of them had a big nose. He looked like he was the youngest, but I wasn't sure. The other boy had a lean face, and his eyebrows were very thick.

I didn't walk over to them, instead I stood in the doorway of the bedroom.

I couldn't hear what he was telling them, but they seemed surprised.The boy then pointed back at me and all three of them looked at me.

I didn't know what to do, so I pointed towards myself. "Me?" I murmured. They probably didn't hear me. Though suddenly, the two new boys came over. The effeminate one walked off somewhere else in hotel maybe? It was extremely fancy for a hotel room.

"Hey..." The small one said.

"Sooo, what's up?" The tall one asked.

It felt really awkward. They seemed nervous, afraid even. "Lets just get this straight..." I started, "I don't know you, I'm very confused and disorientated right now. So, lets start this off with, what are your names?"

They looked at each other. "You really don't know, huh?" the taller one asked. "Well, I'm George and this is Richard, but he goes by Ringo."

"Ah ok, I'm...John" I replied.

"Yes we know", Ringo told me.

"Hey, whats the other boy's name. He didn't tell me" I said.

"Oh? Thats Paul" George said.

"Hey, you three! C'mere!" Paul yelled.

I followed them into the kitchen. Two more men were standing there. "Gosh, not a bird in sight" I thought.

"I told them about you, John" Paul said while looking at me.

"And...what are your names?" I asked. I tried to look sorry for not knowing.

"I'm Brian, I'm your manager" one said. He was smiling, but I could tell he was worried.

"I'm Mal, I'm your personal assistant and road manager" the other said. He looked like a pretty nice guy.

" do I need managers?" I asked.

"You're in a band, we're in a band" Paul said turning to face me. "We're the Beatles!"

They all seemed to think that, that fact would jog my memory. But, I still knew nothing about the...beetles? These people felt like strangers to me.

After not getting a reaction out of me, they seemed to be even more nervous.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled and looked down at my feet. I just wanted to leave, just wanted to go...home. Did I have a home? Who was my family?

My thoughts began to race. My life was a mess. I pushed passed Ringo and George who had been standing slightly behind me. I went and sat on the couch. I laid my head in my hands.

"John? Are you going to be alright?" Paul asked and ran over to my side. The others followed him.

"Hey what about the times when we were kids? Hamburg? What about the passing of your mum? Do you remember Paris? What about your school years? Can you remember anything?"

The questions kept pilling up.

"I'm...I'm trying. I really am" I whispered. I held back my tears. I tried to remember them. Tried to think of the memories. Why had I forgotten everyone around me? How could I have forgotten about myself?

"I can't do this!" I finally yelled looking up at all of them. Everyone stopped talking. It was silent.

"John, were sorry. We know this is stressful, we're just, we're just trying to help. But I suppose we aren't doing a good job at that, huh?" Brian said in a low tone.

"I know you just want to help...and I'm sorry that I'm suddenly a different person. I just want some time alone." I admitted.

"Perhaps thats whats best" George agreed.

I sighed and walked back into the bedroom. The lights were off, but the sun was still high up in the sky. It was only midday but I was already beat.

I lied down in the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Well now I know more things about myself..." I thought.

Apparently, my mother was gone. I had been to a lot of places around the world, and I was in a band. I sat up and went back to the door. I opened it and saw that everyone was now doing random things in the living room. They looked over at me.

"Are we any good?" I asked.


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