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The next morning, we were all sitting at the table.

"You mean to tell us, that you remember everything?!" George asked.

"Yeah! Every little detail...well, not every detail..." I said.

"How did you remember?" Ringo asked.

"I'm not sure it just...came to me" I grinned and looked at Paul, who blushed.

This morning, before telling the others, we had talked.

"Are you telling me, that you were able to remember eveything, just because you came?" Paul asked.

"What? No! Thats absurd!" I said, "After I came, I just looked at you and realized, well...everything"


"Yeah, it's strange, but I can't believe I couldn't remember!"

We laughed about it, and we were really glad. Later, we decided that we would definitely keep what we had done a secret. And that we would only tell everyone that somehow after getting sleep it all came back.

Everyone seemed to believe it. I was so happy to really know everyone again. I was so happy, that I even gave everyone a..."I'm home" hug.

From that day on, Paul and I always joke that whenever one of us forgets what they were doing or what they were going to say, we always joke about sucking each other's dicks.

Of course, thats not the only time we do that.

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