My Friend, Paul

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Smiling, I walked back out into the living area and walked over to Paul. "What do you play, then?"

He smirked, "Bass"

"What about them?" I pointed to George and Ringo. They had gone back to playing cards.

"Ringo plays drums and George plays the lead guitar." He looked back at me, "you play the acoustic guitar"

"So, we're a rock band?"


"Thank god"

We laughed.

"Where are the instruments?" I asked. Paul's face lit up and grabbed my hand. He giggled and brought me down the hall to another room. He opened the door and led me inside.

"Here" he said and waved his hand out at all the instruments.

My mouth gaped open. There were guitars, pianos, a drum set, and smaller miscellaneous instruments.

I walked into the room slowly. I bit my lip and carefully picked up a guitar. I put the strap around my torso and looked at the strings.

Paul looked at me anxiously.

I squinted but gave up. "Can you not play?" Paul asked.

"I don't know yet...I can't see clearly. Do I have glasses?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah... lemme get 'em" Paul said, and ran out of the room. He returned very quickly and handed me my glasses. "Here"

I took them and put them on. "Wow that really worked" I thought. Everything was a whole lot more clearer.

Paul, once again, was waiting in anticipation.

I took a deep breath and plucked at the strings. Sure, they made a nice sound, but it didn't sound any good. "I don't suppose that's anything, is it?"

"No, sorry...want me to help?"

"No, I...I have to do this" I said trying to sound confident. Truth be told, I didn't really think I still had the ability that...I used to have. "Uh...give me a lyric"

"Oh! Umm..." Paul cleared his throat, "Love, Love Me Do..." Paul began to sing.

I tried to think what the guitar would sound like for this song. I had no memory of what it could be. I played along badly. The notes I played, probably can't even be called notes. It was more of...air guitar, but with a real guitar.

I stopped mid-song. "I can't get it right!" I cried.

"Hey now..." Paul came over and put his arm around me. "Its ok" He held me for a moment. He then let go and pulled the guitar up over my head and set it back down. He looked at me. His eyes locked with mine.

"Johnny...I want to help you...but-"

"No, I know. Its useless..." I interrupted, "I'm sorry, You probably don't even think of me the same"

"No, I still think of you the same, of course I do." he reached over and held my hands in his. "I love you, John, I always will. Nothing will change that, not a fight, not a girl, not even lost memories"


"No, I mean it, John!" He looked pained. Was he going to cry? I couldn't tell. I was going to say something, but then he leaned forward.

He let his forehead rest on mine. His eyes were closed. Our noses were up against each other. My glasses were knocked slightly out of place.

I blushed and was confused. He was so close, it was strange...being this close with a stranger. But I wasn't with a stranger, was I?

He was my friend, my best friend, and we we're very close. Even though I couldn't remember any time we had spent together. In this moment, I felt it. The strong connection I had with this other boy. And for the first time...

I realized I loved him too.

I let my hands come up and rest on the back of his neck. He flinched and opened his eyes. Our heads no longer leaned against each other. He looked me in the eyes.

"Johnny..." he muttered.

I took my glasses with one hand and dropped them to the floor. I brought my hand back up and cupped his cheek. "I know nothing is the same with us, and maybe it never will be... but I won't really know, now will I?"

He let out a small laugh. He smiled but it still looked sad, or maybe it was thankful.

"But now, with this...maybe we can start over. New memories, new love"

"John..." was all he could say before we kissed. It was gentle. Careful. His lips were so soft. I sort of expected them to be, though.

When we pulled apart, he didn't say anything. His face was flushed, I supposed mine was too. His lips were still parted. His breathing was heavy.

And in the blink of an eye, he began bawling. I began to think maybe I did the wrong thing. But then he embraced me. His arms tight around my torso. "Johnny, oh John!" he cried.

Suddenly, everyone rushed in through the doorway.

"Whats going on?" George asked.

I didn't want to tell them that we had kissed. Who knows how they would react? So I made something up, "Uh...I told him..I eat meat, and you know, he's a vegetarian so, he got upset." I faked a smile.

"That's a little over reacting, don't ya think?" Ringo mumbled.

"Wait" Paul said as he backed away, "Wait a minute..."

"What?" I asked.

"You knew I was a vegetarian..." He got all excited, "You remembered something!"

**What do you guys think so far? :)**

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