Knowing More

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l looked at Paul. "It was a lie though..." I whispered.

"Yes! but you knew!" Paul exclaimed. He was acting like child. He ran over to me and grabbed my arm. "C'mon, c'mon!"

He led me past the others and back into the living room. "Here, sit!" He led me down next to him and looked at me, smiling.

"What?" I asked. Was he hoping I would have more to say? I didn't even know he was a vegetarian, I just sort if brought it out. I suppose maybe it was something that I had remembered.

"Do you remember anything else?" he asked. He was leaning closer and was eager to see if I had anything else.

"No, I don't" He felt bad. I could tell he really wanted the John he used to know back.

"Well, will anyone help me set up something for dinner?" Brian asked and made his way to the kitchen.

"I'll help" Mal said and joined him in the kitchen.

"I'm gonna get free samples!" George joked and crept off in their direction. Ringo just shrugged and read a newspaper.

It was dark outside now. I was extremely tired. I had wanted to go to bed earlier and now I was still up. I sighed.

"I think I'm just going to head to bed... I don't feel too good" My headache came back and I felt faint.

"You just need something to eat, we haven't really eaten all day, you know." Paul pointed out.

I decided I would wait until I ate something and then would head to bed. I laid back on the couch and closed my eyes.

I felt Paul lean next to me and he let his head rest on my shoulder. It was calming and soon I found myself feeling drowsy and falling asleep.

I awoke to Brian shaking my shoulder softly. "John" he whispered, "The food's ready."

"Oh" I muttered and noticed that Paul was no longer next to me on the couch. I tried getting up, but didn't realize how drowsy I still was. I ended up falling right on top of Brian.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, thinking he would lash out at me. We had almost fallen on the coffee table. And we had hit the ground hard.

"No, no, I'm sorry" he said bashfully. I noticed his face was bright red and he was nervous. I sat up and used the couch to stand myself up. I grabbed his hand and helped him up.

"Well...there is food... on the uh... table" He was very flustered.

"Yeah, thanks for making it and stuff" I smiled. Hoping that would make it less awkward. Turns out I have a "heart-warming" smile, for it only made him more flustered and he ended up knocking into the chair behind him.

I questioned what his problem was as he nodded and went into another room. "Probably another bedroom" I thought and went into the kitchen. "Can't wait to get in mine, and go to bed"

"Finally, John, we didn't think you were gonna join us!" George laughed with his face full of fish and chips.

I laughed and sat down at the table. Served myself the rest and began eating. I did feel better after finishing but I was definitely ready for bed.

After everyone was finished eating, Ringo and George disappeared off into their room and Mal into his. Paul and I walked into out room and I shut the door behind us.

We changed into pajamas and got into bed. Paul turned out the lamp on the table beside him.

"Night John"

"Night Paulie"


He didn't answer back. I thought maybe he thought my nickname for him was shit. I bit my lip, "Yeah, sorry, stupid nickname. I guess you probably don't want to be called that"

"No, its not that... its used to call me that. I didn't like it much, but... I don't mind. It might help you remember more" He said.

And with that, we both went to bed. I was thankful for the sleep I was finally about to get.

I must say I was a bit nervous about going to sleep again. What if I woke up, and forgot all about everything again?

I sighed and decided that I would have to fall asleep to find out.

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