Chapter 3

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I watched Atreus as he fought against someone in Combat class. The person had a mace.

He was a douchebag, very cocky and just an already piece of trash. So when he wanted to prove how "strong" he was he wanted to fight Atreus.

Oh how poor he chose.

Atreus, having been taught by Freya and learning from me, was beating him hard.

The guy was too slow, like a troll, and too thick headed. He focused all on strength, not trying to use speed to his advantage. This gave Atreus the upper hand.

I heard him shout a word in a different language, shooting a light arrow at the ground.

Several wolves made of light appeared and pounced onto his opponent. His aura was drained quickly and Atreus won.

When he walked back to me, I gave him a nod.

Y/n: good. You have learned a lot since we started

He nodded.

Yan: I wanna fight Y/n

I looked over, seeing Yang looking at me.

I simply stood up, picking up my Leviathan axe which laid next to me.

I handed Mirir to Atreus.

I walked up to the middle, facing across from Yang.

Yang: if I win, you have to forgive us

Y/n: fine

She ran at me, punching.

She was a lot like Baldur, once again cocky and looking for a fight. But unlike Baldur, she did not have immortality nor was she a god.

I blocked with my shield, deflecting her punch away before hitting her in the face with my shield.

She staggered and I took the chance.

I plunged my axe into the ground, activating one of my runes.

I then drove it through the ground, towards Yang and a line of ice spikes came out of the ground, stabbing her over and over.

I got up close to her, activating the other runes and spinning in a circle, draining the rest of her aura.

As I walked back to my seat, I saw Ruby looking at me, sad.

I glared back at her.

Time skip

Atreus: why are we going to Ozpin's office?

Y/n: I do not know. I was just told to go here and bring you

Mirir: I don't like this brother. It feels off

Y/n: I do not like it either

As the elevator opened, I saw Ruby, Yang, Tai, Raven and Qrow in Ozpin's office, along with Ozpin and Glynda.

Tai: um, hi son

Y/n: Atreus, leave

Raven: is that my new grandson?

I saw Raven look at him, walking over to him.

She reached out her hand, but I grabbed it pushing her away.

Y/n: get away from my son and get away from me

Raven: but we're family

Y/n: no we are not. Let's go boy

Tai: Y/n

I looked at him.

Tai: you will listen to me. I'm your father

I glared at him, walking towards him. Once i was a few feet away from him, you could see I towered over him.

Y/n: you do not deserve to call yourself that. Non of you do

I pointed at Qrow.

Y/n: except him

I turned around, walking away.

Atreus: Father, watch out!

I felt a sword plunge into my back, the tip pointing out the front of my stomach.

I growled, pushing the sword from out of me.

I turned around, glaring at the sword welding Tai.

Y/n: now you cannot call me your son

I healed the wound quickly, before I turned to walk away with Atreus.

As we entered, Atreus looked at me.

Atreus: why didn't you fight back and kill him, like you did with Baldur

Y/n: the cycle ended with Baldur. I will not kill him, only so the cycle does not repeat itself

Atreus: is that why you didn't mention your family? You don't like them?

I bent down to his level, getting on a knee.

Y/n: something i have not sold you is they hurt me as a child. The one I called Qrow was the only one who did not harm me. That is why I hate my family so much

Mirir: they only hurt you? From what I know, they tried to break you Brother

Y/n: how do you know that Head?

Mirir; I'm the smartest man alive, remember? I know almost everything

Y/n: but you did not know why Baldur was tracking us

Mirir: well, ummm, yeah, good point

Alright. The next chapter will be dealing with the stuff towards the end of Season 2 of RWBY, but Atreus and Y/n will not be going with team RWBY. Anyway, have a good morning evening or afternoon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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