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While making a trip to Beauclair to pick up some alchemy supplies, Regis came across the most gorgeous human dancing in the square. Twirling and giggling along with the musicians, the beaming sunlight reflected off of her many adorning braclets. He found himself stopped in his tracks staring at the young woman who seemed to be enjoying herself in the morning sun. Regis clutched at the strap of his bag which came across his chest, full of herbs and alcohol mixes for his decoctions.

I should be heading back, he thought to himself, yet his feet were set in place on the heated cobblestones.

The young woman soon came to a slowed halt, panting softly from the exercise. Small droplets of salty sweat beaded on her forehead which he could see so clearly from his distance away from her. Regis watched her curiously as she turned, her big eyes searching the gathered crowd til finally she set her eyes on him in the background near the buildings.

Regis tightened his grip on the leather strap of his bag and quickly turned away, feeling the pale skin of his cheeks burn ever so faintly.

"Beautiful." He whispered to himself as he continued on his way out of Beauclair and towards the Cemetery.

MY EVENING WITH A VAMPIRE | Emiel Regis X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora