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His lover was strangely quiet. Usually she would be in the study reading or in the bedroom, but when he went to check she was no where to be seen. Regis went back to his work bench to check on his distillery. He was in the process of perfecting his distilate of mandrake hooch further, finding it not quite at perfect standard. And when his eyes fell onto the table, he spotted an empty space where a bottle of hooch had been previously occupying. Regis sighed. His first thought was of her.

He made his way outside of the crypt and stopped, finding his lover passed out over a gravestone just infront of the door. Regis looked her over, checking if she had hurt herself in anyway. She groaned and mumbled something incoherent in her current drunken state. The higher vampire sighed once again before taking her up in his arms. His gaze fell down onto the empty bottle of his mandrake hooch laid in the grass beside the grave.

"Re...Regis..." her slurred words brought his full attention back to her.

"Yes, darling." Regis smiled.

"I... I love you." He watched her as she slumped her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes.

Regis just smiled wider and pressed his pale lips to her forehead. "I love you too."

MY EVENING WITH A VAMPIRE | Emiel Regis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now