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Master: Flukeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Master: Flukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Master: Wake up!!!!!

Me: P', what's going on?

Master: I should be the one to ask what's going on!
Master: P'Kao told me that you are seeing a man!!!
Master: You've never told me about it 🤨

Me: P, send me the exact message P'Kao sent you.

Master: Fluke went out today with his mentee.

Me: P?! P'Kao did not say I'm seeing anyone??

Master: Omg, read between the lines my dear!
Master: Although P'Kao is that simple minded sometimes.
Master: But, how is your man? Where did you go?

Me: P', he is my mentee, okay? We went to an art gallery and after that we ate lunch. By the way, that was 2 weeks ago, why are you bringing that up now?

Master: Because P'Kao refused to asnwer my calls and never texted me for the past two weeks 😭😭😭
Master: I think he is angry at me

Me: Why do you think so?

Master: Because he's not responding!!!
Master: I can't remember anything I did wrong
Master: But we just talked awhile ago, he told me he got so busy 🙄

Me: He's always busy P', but he always makes time for you.

Master: Ugh, I hate him!
Master: Wait, why are we talking about him?
Master: P'Kao also told me you like your mentee

Me: WHAT???? NO?!!!

Master: P'Kao said you always blush when that person is around 🤭
Master: You know P'Kao, he says the truth about others
Maste: But never been honest to himself when it comes to how he feels 🙄

Me: 🤐🤐🤐

Master: Hahaha, Fluke, I trust P'Kao's observation, you better too
Master: What I'm saying is, recognize your feelings first, okay, then do stupid things for love, later 😉
Master: Ugh! I have an urgent meeting
Master: Talk to you later. Love you! 😘 and P'Kao 🥰 Take care!

Do I really like P'Ohm? Everyone  close to me has been telling me I do like him based on my consistent blushing when he is around, the way I look at him, and the way I act around him. But a part of me doesn't want to recognize this feeling. Why? If it is true that I like him, why am I afraid of the possibilities that will come with my admission and acceptance of this feeling?

Sigh. Fluke. Get up. I better prepare and go support our swimming team.

Mild and I were just on time. On time for the last race. They were already calling the contestants when we arrive inside the city pool where the provincial swimming competition is being held. P'Earth called me earlier this morning to come and support the team. I asked Mild to tag along, after all, he is always free. But Mild was so slow that we were caught in the traffic jam!

The one to compete was P'Ohm. I think he was not able to see us. He is so focused on the competition. When the race began, my heart began beating faster. I want him to win. I really do. I'm shouting my school's name but I really wanted to shout his name, to cheer for him.

The timer stopped. He won. Everyone from our school who were present cheered on him. Our cheer became louder when they announced that our school is the overall champion.

After the awarding, Mild and I stayed where we are. Meanwhile, our swimming team is surrounded by fans, mostly female fans. They're asking to take pictures with the athletes. P'Ohm has a lot of fans. All of them want to take photos with him. They even hug his arms. Why don't they just hug his whole body? Tsk. 15 girls, they look like high school students. Do their parents know what they're doing right now? And look at P'Ohm, he seems to enjoy it. There's no smile but he keeps on entertaining them. Nice one. Nice one, P'Ohm. Enjoy!

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