VII. Choosing Me

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"What?" Mew asked. The nervouseness in his voice can be heard by the person on the pther line.

"Don't get too nervous! You can do it, okay?" Apple made sure to sound so enthusiastic, hoping it will ease Mew's nervousess.

"What if-"

"Nothing happened yet! Don't think of what could happen, do what you should do and do your best, okay?"

"Okay" Mew responded for the sake of responding.

"Yah! Don't be like that. Just do what you have to do!" Apple once again tried to lift uis friend's spirit.

"Okay, okay. I got to go, they are now allowing us to enter."

Mew is talking about the production company having an audition for a new BL series. Mew heard about the casting from Apple. It was also her who pushed him to audition.

It's just been a month since he came back from the camp. He was able to catch up with his city life. He felt lighter and better now. But sometimes he still gets nervous, especially when there are a lot of people. But he thinks changing his hairstyle and fashion helped him hide himself. He is now enjoying being the manager of the coffeeshop located below their house. Apple and August helps him manage it.

When Apple told him about the casting, he got excited that he immediately signed up. But a day before the casting, he started feeling nervous and wanting to go back. But then again, the morning of the casting, he woke up being determined.

After seeing the hundreds of men lining up when he arrived at the venue, Mew felt weak inside. All of the men are good-looking. He is sure most of them are also talented.

Mew was almost at the end of the line. While those in front and behind him practice their prepared script, Mew couldn't get the feel of practicing. That's why he called everyone he knew is available at yhe moment. He called Tawan first, then August, then Apple.

When Mew entered the casting room, there are five people behind a long table. Aside from the five, there's the cameraman, and a young man seated on a stool beside the cameraman. Mew knows that he isn't a crew or staff.

Mew was asked to perform his piece. He got nervous when he heard what they wanted. But his instinct as an actor didn't fail him. He stared at the person in the middle, began his monologue as if he is a man left by his lover. He didn't blinked even when his tears began to flow. He didn't stopped talking even when the emotions of his character started to mixed with his own emotions. He continue with his monologue until he said the word,"goodbye." Mew gave his audience a sad smile. It isn't part of the monologue anymore, but it is his raw feelings.

His audience were speechless. He saw from the corner of his eyes that the youngman was wiping his tears. It kinda made him feel good and relieved.

Mew was asked to wait in a room together with a few men. He thought that he made it to the waitlist. The thought of it made him really happy.

After almost an hour of waiting, Mew was called in again and was told he got the main role. He couldn't believe it. It was as if he's in a dream. The director introduced the youngman as the actor who will be playing as his partner in the series.

"Hello, Khun. I'm Gulf Kanawut." The young man held out his hand for a handshake. Mew accepted it and introduced himself. The young man smiled so wide and bright, Mew thought it almost blinded him.

"Congratulations to the both of you," said the person who introduced himself as the director. "We will inform you of our schedule next week. For the meantime, I hope you do make effort to know each other. It will really help, considering that your characters are very intimate, okay?" Mew and Gulf nodded.

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