Standard dimension

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"Yuya! Ur cards come pick them up!" Yuzu yelled out upstairs to his sister

"Oki yuzu wait a minute" yuya said scattering her clothes everywhere

"U got five seconds young lady!" Yuzu yelled as he held his fingers up "five, four, three,-"

"Oki oki" yuya called out running down

"Thx u jeez yuya ur such a mess today" yuzu said looking at yuya

"Well I've been trying to look for something that i lost" she said picking up her cards from the floor

"What u lose?" Yuzu said helping her

"My odd-eyes card its gone I've been looking for it for a while now" she said as tears fell

"Here how about this clean up ur mess and I'll help u find it deal" he said holding his pinkie to her

"Deal!" She said giggling and held his pinkie with hers

"Alright clean up sis" he said patting her head and left towards the kitchen

"Say good bye to those sweet memories" a man said laughing


Suddenly yuzu woke up and held his head in pain he looked around as he had a major headache he couldn't remember what he was doing all he knew was walking with someone and then nothing

He got out of bed and shaked off the dizziness and walked downstairs he smelled something burning and he quickly ran to the kitchen and turned the stove off

"Damm i don't remember turning on the stove" he said to himself

He took the pot and filled it with water then set it aside to soak then he heard a female voice call out to him but when he turned around there was no one

"The hell?" He rubbed the back of his head confused "maybe I'm just tired"

Yuzu walked out the kitchen and headed up the stairs he then noticed a room and opened the door revealing a girls room and he looked around very confused

"I don't have a roommate do i?" He said then he noticed a card on the bed and picked it up "odd-eyes pendulum dragon?"

The card had a dragon on it with two colors and two scales and he was confused and scanned the card all over

"I don't have this card who's is this?" He said and he started looking around the room and he picked up a book that was pink and had the words "scrap book" on the cover

Opening it he saw pictures of him and some girl with red and green hair and he skimmed through the pages they were on each page

"Who is this? Do i know this person?" He said to himself and put the book back on the shelf "i don't understand who's room is this?"

He walked out and closes the door and he realized he still had the card in his hands and he walked back in and tried putting it back but he couldn't let go of it

"The hell" he said trying to let go of the card "what is going on?"

"Yuzu help me.." a female voice said

**this is just the introduction next will be the introduction to the xyz dimension and so forth but after that the chapters will be longer and i will be not uploading from this story yet probably on Monday i will but not now until next time bye**

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