Final part 5

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--here it is yall the final chapter to zarcs revival and i just want to say thx u for ur support and ur comments and giving me strength to continue on with my stories im very happy that i had the strength to continue with this and to thx the names of Pluto0310, RedNewko_YuyaFangirl, dbzlover13, and Ddragonot for waiting and and reading my story and for the rest of my readers thx u so much as well and i will stop blabbing now enjoy the final chapter of zarc revival--

"Whats wrong cant attack so just end ur turn" the doctor said laughing maniacally

"No i attack!" Rin yelled out

"I just said u can't attack parasite box as long as i have a parasite in my hand" the doctor yelled

"Who says im attacking ur box im attacking the reactor itself!!" He yelled

The professors eyes widen before having a reaction time rins monster attacked and destroyed the reactor as a bright light shined and everything went out of control

-standard dimension-

Yuzu sat up from his bed holding his head and looking around confused as his sister walked in happily

"Whats wrong brother?" She asked setting a tray down

"Oh nothing i just had a dream was all" he said looking at the tray "thx u for the food"

"Ur welcome" yuya said happily

-xyz dimension-

Ruri woke up from bed before sitting up and looking at his hand before getting out of bed as so did shay before smelling something sweet in the air

They both walked downstairs seeing yuto Making cake batters as she turned around smiling

"Good morning u two whats wrong?" She asked worried "u look like uve seen a ghost"

"Oh nothing just had a dream is all" they both said before looking at each other

"U two are silly" she said smiling

-synchro dimension-

Rin walked to the garage of the shop as he saw his sister fixing her bike with her hair up before standing and wiping the sweat from her forehead

"Oh bro look i fixed it" yugo said smiling patting the bike as it fell apart and she panicked trying to fix the problem

Rin laughed a bit before hugging her and yugo looked at her brother confused

"Bro whats wrong" she asked

"Nothing thought i lost u guess it was a dream" he said smiling

Yugo smiled and hugged her brother back as he smiled holding her tight

-fusion dimension-

Serena looked over the balcony of the academy watching his sister win yet another duel as she jumped happily waving up to her brother

He waved back smiling it was strange he had thought he was chasing after his sister from someone or something but he couldn't recall anything

His sister then ran inside the academy up the stairs to her brother jumping on him laughing happily

"Bro uve been out of it are u oki" she asked worried

"Yes i am just glad ur safe" he said confusing her

"Oki brother but im always safe with u" she happily said

It was strange but no dream after destroying the arc machine it went haywire and reversed everything as everything went back to normal where there was no danger and nothing but happiness and joy

**well I'm ending it now i really hope yall enjoyed it until next time bye**

**im happy to write this check out my new story the wild red rose that blooms in the dark and thx u for reading**

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