The memories

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Yuzu walked around the house looking at different photos and journal writings of a girl named yuya and he was still confused about who she was

"Who is this a cousin a sister a nephew?" He said to himself looking through the pages

"My brother is the best in the world i will always love him his always been the inspiration for me and always cheers me up when I'm down even though I'm a mess but i really love him his the best what's that mean" he said flipping to the next page

He looked at the image again and something sparked his attention there was a dragon head bracelet made of gold and he then looked at the journal writings

He put everything down and headed up the stairs and went into the room and took the picture in there and saw the same bracelet

Then everything came back to him and he clenched his fists

"How could i forget my own sister the last thing i remember was taking my sister out and then some guy i dueled took my sister away"

He quickly ran down and grabbed a jacket and ran out his house looking for the boy

Xyz dimension

Ruri looked at the pair of shoes on the table and Shay did as well they had no idea who's shoes they were

"Who's are these?" Ruri said examining them

"I don't know but who's this is the picture with us" Shay said looking at the photograph

"I don't know does she mean something to us or something?" Ruri said looking at the name on the shoes

"Yuto" ruri said looking at the name

"Is that the name of the brand?" Shay said

"No it's the name of someone" ruri said and looked at the picture then he noticed something "hey that bracelet haven't we seen it before"

"Yea it was on... on"Shay tried thinking

Then they remembered everything as well as ruri punched the wall "dammit how'd i forget about her!"

"Calm down" Shay said holding his wrist

"How can i what do u remember" ruri said looking at him

"The last thing i remember was us leaving the shoe shop a guy dueling us then our sister being taken" Shay said looking at the picture

"Sis were coming" ruri said getting a coat "let's go our sister needs us"

Synchro dimension

Rin looked around at everything he looked at pictures and writings about a girl but he didn't know who it was  then it hit him

Rin took a picture frame and saw a bracelet and he remembered everything and he quickly went onto his garage and opened it and drove off on his duel runner and called his sister

"Come on sis answer plz" rin said driving his runner

"Awe calling ur dear sister" a boy said driving a runner by him holding a cell phone

"Why do u have my sisters phone!" Rin yelled

"Duel me and maybe I'll tell u where ur dear sister is" he said smirking

"Fine then" he said "activate acceleration!"

The field around them then turned bright and they rode ahead


**well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until next time bye bye**

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