Final part 1

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Yugo sighed in relief as rin deactivated his duel disk and started up his runner before looking at his sister

"Lets go we have a score to settle with the man that took u" he said angry

"Eh oki nii-san" she said starting her duel runner

"Wait is that u yuya" a voice said

Yugo looked behind her seeing a boy look exactly like rin as she saw he had pink hair

"Who are u thats my sister yugo not no yuya!" Rin yelled

"Oh then my bad" he said

"U said yuya right i know her" she said calmly "the professor has her doesn't he"

"Yea by the way the names yuzu" he said looking at them

"Then that means he has our sister" another voice said

They all looked to where the voice came from as a pulse was felt on yugos bracelet and she looked at it

"What was that" she mumbled

"Something wrong sis" rin asked

"No im oki" she said calmly

"Oki and who are yall!" Rin asked looking at his duplicate

"The names ruri and this is shay we came here with our sister but then she suddenly wasn't herself" he said looking over to yugo

"Yea and we can see from here that ur sister hasn't been acting strange yet" shay said crossing his arms

"Well my sister is strong theres no way shell fall to something" he said angry

"In any case i know where they are yall can hop on and follow us" yugo said putting her helmet on

-with serena-

Waking up serena held his head and sat up trying to remember what happened then it hit him when he remembered his sister wasn't herself

"Sis.." he weakly said

He got up and held his side as he began to walk carefully to the professors office as he heard something behind him as he turned around and bikes stopped

"Whos that?" A pink hair said

"Are yall apart of obelisk force" he said weakly getting his duel disk


"Quiet i wont believe a word u say" he said activating his duel disk

Yugo took off her helmet and got off her runner and went between him and her brother

"Dont just listen" she said softly

His eyes widen as an image of yuri appeared looking at her and deactivating his duel disk

"Yuri.." he said

"Im sorry but im not her my names yugo" she said softly looking down "and these people are my friends and this is my brother rin"

"My names serena" he said holding his side

"Was ur sister taken too" ruri said calmly

"Yea she suddenly changed and dueled me i lost her attack knocked me out" he said looking down

"Dont worry well get our sisters back lets go show this guy a piece of our minds" yuzu said "by the way names yuzu"

"Ruri" he said calmly

"Names shay" shay said looking at him

"Nice to meet yall i guess" serena said calmly

-with the professor-

"Its almost time doctor" the professor said looking at the screen as the duelists were approaching

"Yes yes professor want me to use it now" the voice said shuffling a deck

"Wait till yugo arrives itll make it easier" he said calmly

"As u wish professor" the voice calmly said

Suddenly the doors opened as they all walked in ans the Professor stood up calmly

"Welcome to my office" he said holding his hands behind his back

"No one wants to hear ur saby comments where's my sister!" Yuzu yelled

"Ur sister huh ur sister is not ur sister in face none of u should have existed in the first place" the professor said snapping his fingers

The man nodded and took a card and showed it as yugo felt a throb in her head and rin looked over to her

"Sis" he said reaching to her

Yugo walked past them as rin tried reaching for her but obelisk force blocked them

"What did u do!!" Rin spat

"Thats what happened to our sister" ruri said glaring at the professor

Yugo walked to the tube as it opened and then closed behind her and it went towards the reactor

"Take care of them doctor" leo said walking in to the reactor before the wall shut closed


**well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until next time bye**

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