Duel risk

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Rin and the mystery student road down the road as the platform changed and vehicles move out the way

"I'll go first once I'm done with u ur telling me where my sister is!" Rin said drawing five cards

"U mean my sister" the student said drawing five cards

"Ur not even blood related i summon speedroid terrortop and now i can also summon speedroid taketomborg last but not least speedroid red eye dice" he said summoning his three monsters

"Oh let me guess ur using ur use to be sisters deck to duel" the mystery student said driving behind him

"Tch" rin looked behind him

Fusion dimension

Serena walked around and stopped as a girl with purple and pink hair ran to him and hugged him "nii-san"

"Huh?" Serena looked down at the girl and was completely confused

"Plz i know u haven't forgotten about me so plz remember me" she pleaded hugging him tight

"I'm sorry but i don't know u" he said looking at her

"Remember how ud nag me for not doing better in my duels and ud teach me how to be better" she said hugging him

Serena then saw the dragon bracelet and his eyes widened and he hugged Yuri back

"Sis thx god ur oki" he said holding her tight

"Nii-san" she said as tears fell

"Well what a reunion" they heard a voice say with an echo of clapping

Serena turned around and glared at the man and he put on a duel disk activating it

"So sorry to cut the reunion short but the professor wants little Yuri back in her room" the mystery student said

"I'd like to see u try!" Serena said activating his duel disk

"I'll help" Yuri said activating her duel disk


"Let's have the lady go first" the mystery student said

"Fine i draw" she said looking at the card and her eyes widen 'this isn't my deck'

"What's the matter sis" Serena said looking at her

"This isn't my deck this the deck they gave me but I'll still use it" she said

"Alright then" Serena said looking forward

"I summon predatorplant parasite rose queen" Yuri yelled summoning her monster

Predatorplant parasite rose queen- 0 ATK

"And her effect activates i can summon two predatorplant parasites from my deck so i summon predatorplant parasite rose knight and shining heart" she said as two cards slide out her deck and she summoned them

"Rose knights effect allows me to add polymerzation to my hand and i now activate it!" She said activating her spell card

"Watch as three royal lines of blood fuse into a majestic ruler! I fusion summon predatorplant parasite ruler!" She yelled as her monster appeared

Predatorplant parasite ruler- 3500 ATK

"What's that?" Serena said looking at the monster

Xyz dimension

Ruri and Shay looked in every alley and every building but they couldn't find yuto anywhere and they ran out of places to look

"Dammit where is she?" Ruri said looking around

"Don't know but we gotta find her soon who knows what happened to her" Shay said looking around as well

"Looking for someone" a mysterious voice said

"Who are u?" Ruri said on guard

"Oh someone who might know where ur precious sister is" he said activating his duel disk

"U took our sis!" Shay said activating his duel disk

"U'll pay!" Ruri said activating his duel disk


"I'll go first i summon the phantom knights of ragged gloves!" Ruri said summoning the monster "next i summon the phantom knights of silent boots and i use these two to xyz summon the phantom knights of breaksword!"

"Ah ur using ur sisters deck" the mystery student said looking at the monster

"Yes i am we will get our sister back!" He said glaring at him

Standard dimension

"Sis where could u have gone" Yuzu said looking around

"Hello there are u looking for someone important" a man in a cloak said

"Yes i am and u are?" Yuzu said backing away a bit

"Let's just say i was ordered to make sure u never got ur memories back" he said activating his duel disk

"Oh yea let me guess u the scumbag that took my sister!" He said getting his duel disk and putting it on his arm activating it


"I'll take the first turn i summon hegachi ruler of the dark world" the mystery student said

Hegachi ruler of the dark world- 1200 ATK

"And by tributing hegachi i can add the fusion materials needed for a fusion summon to my hand" he said as his monster vanished and two cards slide out his deck

"Now i activate polymerzation and i fuse hegami ruler of the dark world and huise ruler of the underworld to fusion summon hegatina ruler of gahina!"

Hegatina ruler of gahina- 5000 ATK

"The hell!" Yuzu said looking at the hideous monster

"If u want ur precious sister back u have to beat my monster" the mystery student said laughing

"Dammit hold on sis I'm coming to get u" yuzu said holding up his duel disk "no matter what"

**well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until next time bye**

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