Chapter 1

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"Could you be—"

"In love with you!" she interrupted, running over and wrapping her arms around him.

Marinette's flashback ended there as she abruptly reconnected with her surroundings. She was still in her bedroom, sewing another outfit to put on her fashion design website. "No, I'm not in love with Chat Noir. He's just my partner and close friend. Besides, there's Luka," she silently told herself.

Luka and she had been really close recently. They hadn't fully defined their relationship—mostly because she was still trying to recover from the heartbreak of giving up on pursuing Adrien—but they were skirting on the edge of full-on dating. That's why this flashback came as such a surprise. She thought she hadn't fully overcome her past heartbreak. She thought she wasn't ready for a relationship with someone else.

She tried to focus on her work, but the flashbacks threatened to pull her back, away from reality.

"You know, I love battling by your side, M'lady, but I could never bring myself to fight you," he said walking backwards towards the edge.

"Chat Noir, what are you doing?"

"Giving you some extra time," he answered, winking at her as he took a faith fall over the edge.

"No! Chat Noir!" she cried.

"I trust you to bring me back, M'lady."

. . .

"Aren't you scared you'll have to sacrifice everything you love for all of this?" she asked.

"The times when I have the most fun—my favorite moments—are when I'm with you, M'lady, and I would give up everything for just that," he said, bowing goodbye as he leaped away.

"He always sacrifices himself for me. He really cares for me, doesn't he?" she thought.

"Marinette!" Tikki shouted, breaking her from her thoughts that had distracted her from what she was doing. She jerked her hands away from her sewing machine, just as the fabric was about to pull her hand onto the needle. She immediately switched off the machine, still trying to shake herself out of her flashbacks.

"Thank you for saving me, Tikki. I wasn't paying attention," she said.

"What's wrong, Marinette? You've been distracted all day."

"I don't even know, Tikki. Everything has been really strange today."

Marichat Monday -- Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now