Chapter 6

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Chat Noir leapt into the night. Once he was just out of sight, he slowed his pace, allowing his thoughts to catch up with what had just happened.

He had actually asked Marinette on a date.

He hadn't before realized he had feelings for her, but boy, had he fallen for her now.

He just wanted to hold her in his arms and shield her from any more pain and heartbreak. She would be his princess, and he would be hergentleman.

Chat Noir arrived at the Agreste mansion and leapt into his open window.

"Claws in," he whispered as he detransformed and laid on his bed, arms wide.

Plagg eyed him as he slowly grabbed a piece of cheese and took a place at the foot of Adrien's bed. He continued to watch Adrien as if contemplating what had happened.

All was silent for a moment as he finished his cheese.

"Are you actually in love with Marinette?" Plagg finally asked, almost in disbelief.

Adrien continued to stare at the ceiling, lips still curled upwards into an almost drunken smile. "It's crazy, but yeah," he answered, eyes not leaving their fixed gaze.

"And what about Kagami? Ladybug?" Plagg asked.

"I don't know, Plagg. It's strange. I was sure that Kagami was helping me to get over Ladybug. One moment I was having a nightmare about losing Ladybug, and the next I'm seeing Marinette in a whole new light," he explained. "She's beautiful and smart, and she always cares for those she loves. I mean, I already knew all this, but I just didn't see her in this way before. When I saw her so heartbroken, my heart just went out to her," he said, tears beginning to pool up at the memory of her crying. "Do you think she was just putting on a mask, mimicking her typical Marinette strength when she told me that it was alright that I was in love with Ladybug and that we could still be friends? I think she was so heartbroken, but she had to be strong for everyone else so her Dad wouldn't be akumatized again."

"That's possible," Plagg said, choosing not to reveal anything. "But I never really saw Chat Noir as her type."

"I didn't either until I remembered the time when we both connected over our mutual heartbreak that night long ago. I think she may have fallen for me then, and I was too blind to realize it," Adrien said as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I feel so guilty for hurting her, and I never want that to happen again. I don't know who broke her heart today, but I'm going to make sure it never happens again. I'll be there for her, and she'll fall for me once more."

. . .

Marinette stood on her balcony in dumbfounded wonder. Of all the things that could have happened with Chat Noir tonight, she never could have guessed that Chat Noir would ask her on a date. "I did let myself go in his arms. I just couldn't control the tears," she reminded herself. "Is he doing this just for me?" she wondered. "Does he even realize that part of the reason I am so confused and still kind of heartbroken is because I hate hurting him? Can I even go on a date with Chat Noir, or is it too dangerous, even if just as myself and not as Ladybug? What do I do if he's actually fallen in love with me and I have to reject him for Paris's safety?"

She stood there for a few minutes, attempting to gather her wild, rampaging thoughts. Finally, she came to a conclusion. "I just don't want to hurt him. He means everything to me. He's my partner in saving the city, but more importantly, he's a close friend, and I may have truly fallen for him," she forced herself to realize. "I think it's safe to date him so long as no one else finds out," she told herself.

"And I can be his lady, and he can be my kitty," she whispered with a giggle as she returned to her bed. Maybe now, her heart was settled enough to let her get some sleep.

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