Chapter 8

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Chat Noir stood with a twinkle in his eye. He ran around the corner there at the Eiffel office, returning with something in his hands.

It was an antique record player.

He set it down beside Marinette, brandishing a vinyl record to play.

"I didn't know you had a record player," Marinette laughed.

"It was my Mother's," Chat Noir admitted with a slight smile at the remembrance of her. "She collected a bunch of older records."

"Wow, Chat Noir! I didn't know that," she replied, smiling at him.

"But last time I checked, this romantic evening wasn't about her," he chuckled, winking at her and standing once more. "May I have this dance," he asked, arm outstretched.

Marinette giggled, watching the sight of her romantic kitty asking her to a dance. The record began to play as the first notes ripped off the piano in the recording. "Yes, I'd be delighted," she said, grabbing his outstretched hand as Chat lifted her to her feet and pulled her into his arms. The piano sang in the recording as the waltz began, and they were off, waltzing, motions synchronized as one. They waltzed around the circular tower top without a care.

Chat Noir couldn't keep his eyes off his princess as they waltzed together. Marinette watched her kitty as the moved together. She could see the love in his eyes, and she felt safe in his arms. They continued to circle the rooftop as the piano continued its waltzing theme.

"You want to know a secret," Chat leaned in and whispered in her ear. She giggled with the nose scrunch that Chat had loved seeing before in school but had now grown to love as his own princess's cute little scrunch. "I recorded myself playing this waltz just for you as a serenade," he whispered, winking with a grin that spanned from ear to ear.

"I didn't know you were a pianist," Marinette said with another giggle and nose scrunch.

"A pianist, indeed, and there will be many more serenades for you, my beautiful purr-incess," he said with a sly grin. Marinette laughed, her heart going aflutter.

They continued to waltz around the rooftop, Chat holding her close to himself. The piano returned to its main waltz theme as the music slowed and the piano slowed until its end with a beautiful chord.

Marinette didn't want it to end. She leaned her head on his chest, drinking in the feeling of love and safety that he gave her.

Chat leaned in and wrapped his arms around her as the record began to play another song.

They slow danced around the tower as the music beckoned them onward.

Marinette inwardly gasped at the realization as she placed where she knew the song from. It was the same song she had slow danced with Adrien with at Chloe's party.

But this time was different. Adrien didn't have the same feelings for her that she had for him. He liked Kagami, and it had hurt her so much to give him up for Kagami. But this was different. She had fallen for Chat because of how much he cared for her, and he felt the same way about her.

She held him closer, content to stay in his arms leaning on his chest forever. There, she felt safe. She felt loved, protected. She didn't want this feeling to end.

Chat Noir was ecstatic that his purr-incess felt safe in his arms. He would always keep her safe, safe from anything or anyone that could hurt her. He'd always be there for her, no matter what.

. . .

They sat on top of the fence railing, legs dangling over the edge. Marinette rested her head on his shoulder, reminding Chat of when Ladybug had done the same on the Montparnasse tower rooftop. But this felt different, and somehow, he knew it was even better this way. His princess trusted him, and he would keep her safe. He slid his hands through her hair and caressed her cheek. "She is so beautiful," he once again remarked to himself.

They both watched the city below, bathed in beautiful moonlight.

"My purr-incess," he whispered. "The city below is beautiful, but you're more beautiful than all of it," he said with a wink.

"My kitty," she giggled. "With you, I feel safe and loved, and I don't want this to end."

"There will be many more romantic dates like this one," he said, nuzzling her cheek.

After a moment of contemplation, Marinette finally spoke. "Is it too dangerous for us to date?"

"Not if no one finds out," Chat replied without missing a beat. "If Hawkmoth finds out, he'll try to use it against us, but if no one knows, there's no way for him to find out."

"I suppose you're right," she agreed after a moment.

They were silent, watching the city below, engrossed in the light of the moon. Marinette once again leaned on his shoulder as Chat continued to caress her cheek, running his hand through her stunning hair. He purred, happy that his purr-incess was content leaning on him.

Marinette laughed with her kitty's favorite little nose scrunch. She focused on the sound of her kitty's purring, falling deeper and deeper in love with her masked kitty.

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