Chapter Eighteen

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You're not ready yet. Grab a blanket and get cosy with a cuppa, this chapter's a long one!


Lily left her phone charging on her bed when Jack stormed back in to get her for the party. Her leg had been bouncing ever since Jack went for her walk, and it seemed neither of them were calm for Cody's party. Lily tried talking with her friend but Jack was focused on something else - she didn't even blink when Lily told her Karen had messaged wondering where Claire was, if she'd left Tyrill yet or stopped off by her dad's place to pick up some clothes for Karen first before going to the hospital.

Jack just kept scowling at any form of laughter around her, and each time Lily heard the voices from the bonfire getting louder on approach, her pulse spiked higher.

"Jack I don't know if I can do this-" Lily started, grinding herself to a halt.

"Oh no you don't," Jack whirled, grasping Lily's clammy hand tightly. "We're in this together, Lily Morgan. It's going to be simple - you and I are going to edge around the party and go straight for the food, and eat everything before it goes. When it does go, we leave, and we don't need to say a word to anyone."

Lily's heart rate rose higher with the determined look of Jack's eyes. "B-But what about Niall or-"

"I'm going to shove a pie in your mouth every time you utter a boy's name." Jack threatened. "If there's no pies, I'll use cakes. And if there's no cakes, then we're leaving, because a party with no cakes isn't a party at all."

"Jack-" Lily started, digging the heels of her feet in so fiercely her flat shoes creaked under the strain.

Jack then saw how pale she was, how sweaty her forehead had become - beads of water had formed by her temples, the stray red hairs curling under the panicked perspiration. The witch sighed, looking down the alleyway where the glow of the bonfire beckoned them, the noise of the party shrill in their ears, and back to Lily's wide, alarmed doe eyes.

"Look," Jack said calmly. "Do you need a moment to breathe?"

Lily nodded immediately, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Okay, I'll go to the party and grab some food, and come back for you in a few minutes. That way you're walking in with your mouth full and you don't have to talk to anyone." Jack strategised. "How's that for a plan?"

Lily nodded again but the lump in her throat wasn't budging. The witch nodded, squeezing her hand one more time before she walked towards the noise now clanging in Lily's head.

I can do this. I can do this... I can't do this - what are you doing Lily? Lily pinched the bridge of her nose tightly, leaning against the wall of the lit alley. She felt nauseous. A snake twisted in her stomach spouting panic all through her belly. The phantom weight on her chest grew.

What she really wanted to do was walk back to the Guthrie house, make a hot chocolate, and hide in her room until she felt better.

She didn't like crowds. She didn't like attention. Since was twelve, Lily had everyone's pitiful eyes and cooing voices on her like she couldn't stand up for herself and she'd crumble at any moment. She hated it as much as she hated cars.

Luckily they were close enough to the bonfire to walk instead of drive, Lily thought dryly, or she'd be twice as anxious as she was now.

Lily pressed her sweating hand against the cool brick behind her, flinching when she touched a left over stream of cold water running from the roof above. Must have been from the rain earlier today, Lily realised, taking a few deep breaths with the water running over her red-banded wrists, kissing her rapid pulse.

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