"𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒢𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒟𝒶𝓎" 𝒫𝓉.4

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Time passed by like a sloth climbing down a tree, which felt painful. How much longer? Will he make it? Billions of questions raced through your mind as you felt your body quiver with unease. The lights would flicker occasionally, leaving you in a cast of shadow for perhaps a minute. The hospital seemed more like a hotel, a rundown hotel to be exact. Was this place even safe? No, no place was exactly safe.  How did anyone survive here? Wouldn't everyone be paranoid with all the darkness creatures lurking around like hungry wolves ready to jump upon their prey and tear them with their obsidian claws and very sharp teeth? With their menacing, glowing eyes that seemed to scream with danger as it looked at you preparing to strike at you and then leave with you laying in warm blood that would eventually run cold. You slipped, or perhaps jumped out of your daydream as the echo of a door shutting sounded in the near distance. You look in the direction, with hope that it was Benevolent. You hoped that he'd come over to you, with a gleaming, shimmering smile and tell you that Great would be fine, that he'd survive. Sadly, to your disappointment, it was only Sorrowful who walked to you. He had a frown plastered on his face, his eyes were red from crying for countless days for no apparent reason. "Greetings, [CITIZEN]" he greeted you with a mournful filled tone, extending his hand out to you. You took it, shaking his hand as you gave him a small smile. "Hello, Sorrowful" you responded, letting go of his hand after a short moment. His hand felt like it would've frozen your hand due to how cold it was. "Five hours and the rumors are already spreading around like wildfire" you looked at him with a confused look, what rumors could he be speaking of? He continued on as he sat down in a seat by you, his hands intertwined with each other as they remained still on his lap. "People are saying that Great won't make it, that the wounds would be to deep for Benevolent to do anything. That he'll lose his battle for life and then we'll have to bury him. There would be no time for a funeral because I believe everyone will be in a panic." He pushed himself up slowly, turning to you with a sadden look. "I'd most certainly would be panicking. He was a great leader, probably one of the best leaders. Although he was harsh at times, he still taught us well. Either way, don't stress yourself out over these rumors, as they're just rumors after all, not factual evidence. Farewell, [CITIZEN]" he turned and headed down the dim hallway, you watched him as he opened the door and went inside, disappearing from your line of sight. What if the rumors were true? What if Great didn't make it? With those thoughts filling your mind, you shot up from your seat and began rushing down the hallway. You kept running and running, you wanted to get out of here, everything felt heavy as you took a quick turn, nearly slipping on the floor due to your fast movement. Eventually, you saw the room that Great was in and stopped by it. You panted like a dog for a long minute before you eventually eased yourself down. The door quickly opened and Benevolent looked at you with a bit of a shocked filled face. He didn't smile at all, he just frowned. "I don't think he'll make it" he broke the news to you and just like that you felt as though the world would fall apart, that the nights would surely win. You felt tears slip from your eyes. He wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to make it. The words ran in your mind like a marathon. Benevolent gave you a smile in hopes to reassure you, holding onto your shoulder before releasing it and heading back into the room. Was it my fault? You couldn't help but blame yourself as everything fell silent and you just stood there, begging quietly to yourself that he'd make it.

(A/N) hello!! I updated it again! sorry for the lack of updates, I just wasn't feeling it!

"𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒢𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒟𝒶𝓎" (Great_Day x Reader/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now