22, in which I buy us time.

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     Things seemed to have calmed down around the mansion. The chaos that had been flowing earlier was silent, and I didn't hear any running steps or shouting as I directed Nate.

     That is, until we heard Matthew yell in pain. Nate suddenly stopped, almost throwing me off his shoulder. Something revved around the corner. I heard him swear under his breath before I was carried towards the sound.

     "And here I would have thought you'd make it more fun."

     My blood ran cold at the sound. A voice so close to Matthew's, a sweet, yet sinister tone to the words. It didn't take much to know what we would find around the corner.

     I still shrieked Matthew's name when we caught sight of them. He desperately tried to stem the bleeding from a nasty wound on his side, barely able to drag himself across the floor. Standing over him, sharing his face, was a man with a look of joyful insanity. He leaned on a thin chainsaw, quietly tutting down at Matthew. His eyes flicked up when we stopped and locked on me.

     A indescribable madness danced in his eyes. A thought always seemed to be there, but without rhyme or reason, it changed to a new plan. He looked just about to take any idea that crossed his mind.

     The thought sparked into a mischievous glee as he took in the sight.

     "Oh, is that who you bothered me for?"

     I couldn't stop shaking. Matthew barely managed to pull himself up against the wall before snapping, "Nate, what are you doing!? Get her out of here!"

     "Irie, get back in my pocket," Nate muttered, tense. My eyes darted down, then to Matthew, then to the madman ahead.

     If we left, Matthew was dead.

     "Pretty ridiculous, right!?" Nate froze when I spoke. I made a grand gesture to the area. "Having you set a whole mansion on fire just for a girl who's barely the size of a pencil!"

     "What are you doing?" he hissed.

     "A left, then a right to the backdoor," I replied, low enough that only he could hear. "Get Matthew and go."

     "Plotting something over there?" the madman asked cheerily. Madness. It was the only thing I could think to call him.

     I bounced off Nate's shoulder to a nearby desk, offering the biggest shrug I could. "Aren't we always? Really, someone usually has a plan."

     Madness seemed content to stay focused on me when Nate finally got to Matthew's side. The briefest of conversations was had, too soft to be heard, and Nate started getting him out. I looked back at Madness, putting my fists firmly on my hips. He had leaned forward, supporting himself on the chainsaw again. What bothered me most was the intelligence I saw behind the insanity. He knew what I was doing, and he let me do it anyway.

     I considered a second plan, hoping unlikely help would recover soon. I squeaked as he picked me up by my hips. I dangled near his face, and for a moment, we just stared at one another.

     "Ya'know, they do this sometimes. Have me just go do whatever I feel like. I do appreciate it, just never seen them do something this ridiculous. What's so great about you?"

     His tone still had that warm, sweet sound to it, and it nearly made me sick. I struggled a little between his fingers. A yelp left my throat when he tossed me casually in the air, landing hard in the middle of his hand. I sat up with a groan, rubbing my jaw.

     "I mean, really. Far too easy to dispose of, no fun in that. And can't imagine a single thing you could scapegoat..."

     "What can I say," I managed to groan through the pain. "Guess I just have that effect on people."

     "Ooh. Of course,"  he snickered. "Bait, why didn't I think of that before. I bet someone's going to come looking for you, right? I mean, they already did, but that ended less than great."

     It's what I'm counting on. I just need a bit more time.

     "So, do you even know who's mansion this is, or did they just throw you in?"

     "Oh, come now, do I seem that dull?" Boredom crossed his face. He glanced over his shoulder with a huff. "Guess I have to go find them myself, don't I?"

     My heart leaped into my throat as I rapidly descended into his jeans' pocket. To say it was uncomfortable would be one of the largest understatements of my life. I managed to struggle my way to see over into the hall. Everything hurt, and my mind reeled as I finally saw who I had been waiting for.

     The Phantom - disheveled, bleeding, and fuming - rounded the corner. He took a short look at Madness, then turned, attempting to clean up what little he could.

     One shot.

     "What can I make, and what can I sell. A time share in heaven that's straight out of hell. Am I a fraud, or a genuine scam? Am I a monster, or worse, just a man?"

     I yelped as I was pulled out of the pocket. Madness stared at me for a moment before his eyes flicked over to the man walking to us.

     "Matthew." The Phantom's voice sent a chill down my spine.

     "Nathan! Wonderful to see you again, it's been so long!"

     I was dropped back into his pocket, but managed to catch the edge. I struggled to pull myself up and over. I lost my balance and tumbled down his leg, then had the wind knocked out of me as his heel kicked me back. I landed hard on the ground and struggled to breathe.

     "Matthew, really, could you not handle my things so carelessly."

     I let out a gasp as I finally felt the air return to my lungs. I scrambled off the floor, heart pounding as I heard the Phantom start to move.Thunder shook the floor, and I stumbled. A hiss accompanied the pain in my shoulder as I crashed into nearby debris. The next hall was just a small dash away. More importantly, I discovered Nate, hidden around the corner. My heart soared, but realized I couldn't call out to him as I tried desperately to get over the debris.

     My struggles caught his attention, a look of relief crossing his face. He shifted a bit closer to the corner as I ducked out of sight behind it.  I heard the rage behind, freezing in terror just as Nate scooped me off the ground. I clung desperately to him as he pulled me close to his chest before running back the way he came.

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