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Branch blinked and shakes his head.
"Oh hey Poppy"

Poppy smiled giving Branch's coffee.

"Coffee! The bitter liquid that provides the only semblance of pleasure left in these dark times"
Branch said brooding.

"O M G! That is super duper bleak, did I interrupt you brooding?"
Poppy said.

"Ah, this brooding sesh is not really going anywhere"
Branch looked another way.

"Owww I wish I could brood like you"
Poppy frowned.

"Look, all you gotta do is just stare off into the distance and then narrate whatever grim thoughts come into your mind"
Branch explained.

"What if one day there was no coffee? Rainbow and cupcakes!?"
Poppy said.

"Neeeeh more like, war hardens the heart"
Branch said.

""War hardens our hearts..."
Poppy said.

"Okay, I'm thinking, it's more like, "War...""
Branch frowned.

Poppy tried.

"Hang on"
Branch yelled.

"War." No. "War."
Poppy groaned.

Branch yelled again.

Poppy said.

Branch yelled.

"War. I can't do this! I'm too happy to see you"
Poppy smiled.

"What's the scariest thing you can think of? Oh, come to think of it,"
Branch explained in a way Poppy could understand better.

"I actually had a nightmare last night"
Poppy frowned.

"Nightmares are super broody What was it about?"
Branch asked.

"All right, um, so it started with this dolphin in a top hat"
Poppy said.

Branch nodded.

"And the dolphin says in a weird voice...It's 5:15 p.m. Oh, I forgot to mention His chest was a clock. Okay, I'm thinkin' darker, broodier, less fish. Oh, and Guy diamond was there, and he was covered in glitter like with more glitter and a giant cake There was a talking
ice cream cone too"
Poppy explained.

"This isn't really the broodiest"
Branch giggled.

D-O arrived.
"Yes it isn't"

"And then, these scary black holes open up in the ground. They started to suck everybody I've
ever cared about out of my life! And Dickory was there. And he shouted..."

"It's Armamageddon!"
Dickory in Poppys explanation.

"And you disappeared into the void, never to be seen again"
Poppy said.

D-O gasped.

"Not Bad Poppy"
Branch smiled.

"Oh really thanks"
Poppy giggled.

"That was definitely just a dream, right? Not some vision of the future?"
Branch asked.

"No, no, no. This is my vision of the future. A little lower, to the left. Ta-da!"
Poppy showed Branch something in his binoculars.

"A house?"
Asked Branch.

Poppy yelled and Grabbed Branch.

They walked to an Bunker Pod.

"Liked it!?"
Poppy asked.

"It's pretty.."
Branch couldn't finish because Poppy spoke for him.

Come on! Let me give you the tour. Very first one on the cul-de-sac. This is the living room,
where you can live it up. TV room, dining room, Planty's room, Sleepy Droid room...
Of course, the kitchen, complete with breakfast nook, lunchtime nook, and fireman pole.
Which leads to water slide... Trampoline room... Monkey-barring all the way up to...
Toaster room! So you can have toast or waffles at any time!"
Poppy explained.

"Oh! And out back"
Branch gasped.

"a double-decker porch swing, so we can always hang together! What do you think?"
Poppy asked grabbing a pillow written Broppy 4 Eva.

"Oh it's pretty cute, but these will call unwanted attention Poppy like aliens, evil critters"
Branch said.

"But maybe it won't! Because we're so far away from them!"
Poppy smiled.

"THATS THE POINT, with these so much colorful vibes is going to bring them right to us!"
Branch yelled.

Poppy scratched her head.

"poppy, Emmet... You gotta stop pretending everything is awesome and cupcakes and rainbow and blah blah because It isn't. Every morning, you walk through town, singing that terrible, annoying, manufactured pop song!"
Branch groaned.

"But you are a POP TROLL"
Poppy yelled.

"But now everybody likes ROCK"
Branch answered.

"That song really seems to annoy you"
Poppy giggled.

"no it doesn't"
Branch smashed his coffee cup.

"That song was fine when we we're Pop trolls now we need to grow to be tough like Rock trolls"
Branch said.

"You were always a dark, goth rebel, since then, and your hair changed of colors again!"
Poppy said.

"Yeah yeah let's change of subject"
Branch blushed.

Poppy nodded.

"We need to be tough and battle ready! Both of us"
Branch frowned.

"Yeah. No, I get it.!And that's why I've cultivated a totally hard-edged side that's super tough and... Look, look! A shooting star. Make a wish!"
Poppy gasped.

"Oh no!" Branch used his binoculars "it's an alien and it evolved!"

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