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The Guy diamond statue fell next to Branch making him fall.

He fe next to the snackpack.

"Why Poppy have done that!?"
Biggie asked.

Cooper rubbed his head.
"I think she was brainwashed"

"Yeah me too"
Satin agreed.

"Branch! What are going to do!?"
Chenille asked.

"I don't know survive!"
Branch held his hair nervously.

"Where is the Queen?"
Sweet Mayhem appears.

"Y-Yeah the Queen"
D-O appears too.

"Oh my I forgot about you little Robot"
Sweet Mayhem giggled.

D-O his being Biggie.

"Why is Poppy leaving!?"
Branch asked.

Meanwhile is Roppy ship.

"Roppy, why are we leaving? We gotta save my friends!"
Poppy said.

"Do we? They didn't come to save us when we were all alone"
Roppy was lifting weights.

"Huh? What are you talking about!? Who are you"
Poppy went closer.

"Look a little closer We're not so different"
Roppy let the weight fall at Mikes feet.

"What you and I?"
Poppy asked.

"We and us"
Roppy smirked.

Poppy was confused.

"Poppy, I am you"
Roppy looked right trough Poppy's eyes.

"But I am me"
Poppy scratched her head.

"I'm you from the future, all grown up"
Roppy made the rock 🤘.

"Wait if you're me why do we sound so different!?"
Poppy asked.

"Why do we sound so different"
Roppy said in Poppy's voice.

"It's a mind-blower, I know. That's why I was so cagey in telling you my backstory. Actually, you kept bringing it up. There I was, you. In that stupid Butterplane ship trying to make it through the staregate There was no sexy , older version of myself to save me, No one heard me.
No one came for me. I was left behind. Forgotten. While the rest of my so-called friends danced and sang at the hands of a monster. What could I have done to avoid such a fate? I was alone with nothing but anger. But anger was the key to my freedom It was time for me to take a stand I was real.I was no longer the naive Poppy I used to be. I got myself a new dress, a new colors of hair, and a petulant attitude towards everything that's lame I gave myself a makeover and became Roppy"

"I was all grown up,but I still wasn't free. I knew the only way to move past it was to make sure it never happened in the first place. And then I saw a way to undo all the unbearable pain I'd experienced in one convoluted move...
Called time travel. Sorry, Doc, gonna need your DeLorean. And, Bill, Ted, your phone booth. Doctor Who's TARDIS. H.G. Wells' bicycle thing Whatever Skynet's been using. And this hot tub. I built a time-traveling spaceship and blasted into the past I picked up a crew Then I traveled to the moment right before I was thrown into the cold, dark truth of the world.
And I found the one person I wanted to protect"
Roppy told the truth.

Poppy gasped.

Roppy winked.

"I was following everything you said, except for... Everything after the part where you said, "I'm you.""
Poppy explained.

Roppy face palmed.
"That's literally the first thing I said, This time travel stuff's always kinda confusing. It's best just to go with it"

"You tricked me into hurting my friends!"
Poppy was mad.

"I didn't trick you. I taught you to harden your heart, just like you asked me to"
Roppy said.

"What did you make me do? What exactly is Armamageddon?"
Poppy asked.

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