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While Branch asked who the villain was, Roppy appeared at the Ropper.

"Dye Day this is Alpha Wolf-sis Dog. I'm almost in Roppyaction position. What's the color on the ground"
Roppy said.

Yes Roppy is the villain.

"Fuchsia. Roppy, I see Branch . But she isn't taking down the shields"
Poppy said.

"You don't need Brancho dude. You don't need anyone. If you focus, you can make a punch so powerful, you'll take it down, shields and all. You've got the power inside you"
Roppy explained and left the walke talkie.

Poppy inhaled and exhaled.
"I can do this. I can do this. I can't not do this"

I'm not giving up today
There is nothing getting in my way
Cuz if you knock knock me
I will get back up again
Poppy sung to herself.

"So glad you aren't gonna destroy this ceremony. If anything bad were to happen, we'd all be doomed. But luckily, there's nothing to worry about now"
Sweet Mayhem said To Branch.

Branch saw Poppy coming Up to Destroy the CAKE.

"Oh no POPPY"
Branch gasped.

Branch ran from the stairs and jumped at the place where Poppy stopped.

"BRANCH? What are you doing here?"
Asked Poppy.

"Did you dyed your hair Red and Black like Roppys?"
Asked Branch.

"Uhhh Nah"
Poppy threw water at her hair making it look rainbow like it was.

"Listen to me I was wrong about the Queen"
Branch pointed at the Queen Up there.

"No. No, no, no! Roppy was right about you!"
Poppy gasped.

"No, you can't do this!"
Branch blocked the way.

"You're just stopping me because you're brainwashed"
Poppy frowned.

Branch held his hands.

"That's exactly what a brainwashed troll would say"
Roppy said to Poppy.

"HEY! Poppy!?"
Biggie gasped.

"You've changed!?"
The twins said.

"You look TOUGH"
Smidge said.

"Do you, Queen Watevra, take Guy Diamond to be your special best partner?"
Ice Cream cone said.

"I do"
Queen Watevra looked at Guy.

"I do"Queen Watevra looked at Guy

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