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Poppy and her friends hop on a abandoned spaceship next to them.

They went back to trolls village.

All trolls were cheering.

"Where is Branch?"
Wendy asked.

Poppy made an no sign.

Then all trolls feel bad with their heads down.

"Well at least Roppy is dead"
Keith whispered to an rock.

At Branch's funeral all trolls raise their 💎 gems.

The aliens feel bad.

Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana
Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana
Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana
Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana (ha ha ya)
Nuwa nu
Nuwa heya nu
Nuwa nu
Nuwa heya nu
Nuwa nu
Nuwa nu
Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana
They sung for Branch.

Poppy sniffed and put A Poppy flower in his Bunker door.
"Branch I love you..."

"Who's gonna take care of Gary!?"
Asked Satin.

"I will..."
Poppy went inside Grabbed Gary and put him on her pod.

"Im so so sorry for the loss Poppy"
King Peppy hugged her.

"Thank you dad" Poppy smiled and sobbed "I will miss him so much"

"We all will my dear we all will"
King Peppy sheds a tear.

Poppy prepared for a speech.
"Branch was a lovely troll he could be the village grump, but he still had an good heart, he was Funny, Worried, Protective, An Nerd but we still all loved him and we still do, He died sacrificing himself for me, for the protection of you all"

"And now in the bottom of our hearts, shine your hair"
King Peppy said with no sense.

They trolls all gave hands, and made their hairs shine.

They made an drawing of Branch.


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