Chapter 4 | Fun

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Yamaguchi woke up and looked at the time.


He frowned. A unusual time for him. He sat up and looked at his phone.

He scrolled through his texts and texted the group chat real quick.

King of Cinnamon Rolls: I know you're awake, Ennoshita

Mother of 2nd Years: OOf.  oh well. good morning, Yamaguchi.

Ghost Protecter: Why are you guys wake? Go back to sleep.

Mother of 2nd Years: why are you asking us? Why aren't you asleep, Tsukki?

Ghost Protecter: don't call me that. i was reading and playing games. also, who changed my name and why?

King of Cinnamon Rolls: I think it was Tanaka? It's because he said you're salty.

Ghost Protecter: oh.

Mother of 2nd Years: Yamaguchi, why are you up?

King of Cinnamon Rolls: idk, i just woke up  and my chest felt heavy

Ghost Protecter: do you want me to bring you something? soup?

King of Cinnamon Rolls: bRinG mE MiSo sOup, yOur mOm mAkeS thE bEsT

Ghost Protecter: why did you text it like that? you hang around those morons too much, they're making you dumb.

Mother of 2nd Years: Why do you text with no capitals and periods? Anyways-

Sugamama: Go to sleep.

Yamaguchi shivered and put his phone away. Suga is scary when he's mad. They were only a week in, but they're all super cool! He finds it funny when Tsukishima tries to avoid the others during lunch and breaks.

He laid back down and fell asleep in a instant.

{ ~ }

Yamaguchi woke up to something heavy falling on him.

"Not funny guys. I can't see."

Yamaguchi blinked a few times to see Tsukki on top of him, staring at his legs and touching around for his glasses. Yamaguchi grabbed his glasses off his lap and put it on his face.


"Gomen, Tsukki!"

"Don't apologize."


"What did I just say?"


The room full of boys burst into laughter, except for Tsukishima. Tsuki sat up straight. Suga busted in, "Settle down! Food is on the table. Go eat!"

All but Asahi, Suga, Daichi, Ennoshita, Tsuki, and Yamaguchi went out the room. The five boys stood awkwardly in silence as Yamaguchi got up and put on a hoodie with the words "Taco" on it.

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