Chapter 12 | Going Home

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The fun filled week of making new friends and doing fun activities soon came to a close.

The schools all parted ways, saying their goodbyes and such.

Hinata hugged Kenma.


Kenma uncomfortably pat Hinata's back.

"You can always visit, Shoyo."

Hinata let go.

"Oh, right! I'll visit you then. Bye Kenma and Lev! Bye Aone! See ya, Bokuto-San!"

His friends waved him off as he and his classmates piled onto the bus.

The freak duo were sitting together as usual, knocked out instantly in the front of the bus.

Suga and Daichi were listening to music together, so it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi fell asleep as well whilst reading manga and listening to music.

Kiyoko and Yachi sat next to each other, just talking.

Asahi sat in the far back with Nishinoya in front of him. Nishinoya kept talking to Asahi until they both fell asleep.

Takeda was driving with Ukai sitting behind him, talking to him.

Kinoshita & Narita were knocked out, Narita sitting behind Kinoshita.

And then there was Ennoshita & Tanaka. Ennoshita just stared out the window while Tanaka just glanced around and fiddled with objects.

"Hey Ennoshita..."

The brunette glanced at the bald boy.


"What do you think happens after you die?"

Ennoshita's eyes widened slightly. Tanaka was usually never the type to ask these questions. His wild nature usually didn't work with such proper manners.

"I don't know. Why do you ask?"

His eyes were blank. Hollow. Ennoshita reflected in those chocolate, dark brown eyes.

"Because I'm scared. Scared for Sugawara-Senpai. Scared for our kouhais. Yamaguchi could be thinking of things he shouldn't and do something he can't take back. Tsukishima could go full blind. Hinata could never hear us again. And Kageyama. He could just feel pain, stop in a road and get hit. And you too. I could lose you. You could be sleeping right next to me and die."

Ennoshita bit his bottom lip. He was just as scared of losing everyone. He felt his heart drop. Looking at the usually lively boy so sorrowful.

He couldn't help but wrap his arms around him.

Tanaka's eyes widened slightly.

"It'll be okay, Ryu."

Tanaka wrapped his arms around the cold boy.

"Thanks, Chikara. Sorry for going dark on ya."

He laughed a little, grinning his iconic smile. Ennoshita's heart skipped a beat a little. (Here's you can tell I ship them TwT)

They let go of each other and just spoke about thing for the rest of the trip.

Until someone unexpectedly spoke.

"Yamaguchi shot himself once. Above the left lung."

They looked ahead, seeing Tsukishima flipping the page in a AOT Manga.

"He did?" Ennoshita questioned.

Tsukishima nodded, seeming disinterested in a sense.

Tanaka made a "o" shape with his mouth, the air growing heavy and the silence awkward.

"He's okay now, right?" Ennoshita leaned forward.

There was another awkward silence.

"Yes. He hasn't shown any signs of change. It's been two years since he's done that."

Tanaka looked shocked.


Ennoshita finished his sentence.

"Sad. He was 13."

Tsukishima nodded, not seeming dazed.

Like a hidden sorrow. The calm before the storm.

He glanced at his childhood friend, letting out a soft sigh. The two second years looked away as Tsukishima stared at the freckled boy.

Stars in his eyes and scars in his heart.

He felt his heart sting. A pain. He glanced at Suga. Then at everyone.

He was scared. He'd only known them for a few months now, but he was getting attached.

He closed his eyes gently, falling asleep.


"Yes, Yamaguchi?"

"Will you remember me if I die?"

He snapped his head at Yamaguchi. They were only 10, why would he die so early?


"How long though?" He tilted his head at his best friend.

Tsukishima froze, slowly setting his bento down and looking at his childhood friend.


"Take off your glasses."

The taller boy slowly removed his glasses, setting it on his lap. Immediately, he could barely see a thing. Blurs everywhere. He could distinctly see Yamaguchi's figure getting up.

"Close your eyes."

Unsure, Tsukishima raised a eyebrow at him.

"Please?" With that, he closed his eyes.

There was a rough feeling on his hand.

"That's the outside of your sleeve."


Next, something grainy and rough dropped into his hand.



Finally, something soft and familiar clasped his hand.


The hand let go. He heard the click of Yamaguchi unfolding his glasses and put them back in Tsukishima's face.

He opened his eyes to see the soft smiling boy.

"At least you'll remember my touch." He laughed cheerfully. Heat rose to his cheeks.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"Gomen, Tsukki!"

Without realizing it, he fell asleep, laying his hand on top of his best friend's.

I never want this moment to end.

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