Chapter 13 | Days Passing By

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Hinata whistled as he skipped towards his classroom.

Until he ran into a tall stranger. Or who he thought was a stranger. He took a small tumble back before getting caught by the arm.

"Er-" He blinked to see his rival. Kageyama. He rose to his feet, standing fine on his own now.

"Kageyama, you can let go now." The raven haired boy's face lit up red as he nervously let go, his hand shaking.

"S-Sorry..." It definitely wasn't like him to apologize to Hinata. Something was clearly wrong.

"What's wrong?" The ray of sunshine stared intensely at Kageyama. Kageyama stared down at him, fists clenched. He felt his nervous expression turn into a frown. He grabbed Hinata by the wrist and lead him into their currently empty classroom.

When they made it inside, Kageyama walked back out and looked around before closing the classroom doors. He gripped Hinata's hands.

"Hinata, I think something's wrong with one of us. Like, severely wrong."

Hinata saw the deep fear in his eyes.

"What do you mean..."

"Someone on the bus was breathing too hard to be normal. And with that, Tsukishima was crying."

"Tsukishima?! Our classmate?! The one with the grumpy ass expression, gets girls, isn't afraid to insult anyone?!"

Kageyama nodded his head.

"The breathing came from somewhere close. I heard it when Takeda-Senpai left the bus to get gas. After that, it stopped."

"Do you think it's Suga-Senpai?..."

Kageyama gripped his hands even tighter.

"H-Hinata...I don't want to lose anymore people..." Hinata looked up at him, seeing tears come to his eyes. His hands trembled and his grip loosened.

"Kageyama, what do you mean anymore people?"

"I lost my sister when I was a child. I'm scared. I'm scared. I just want this all to stop. What if you can't hear me anymore?! I'm sorry for yelling at you all the time!" He instantly let go and wrapped his arms around his companion.

Hinata was taken for surprise. Kageyama wasn't usually the type to talk about his problems. If anything, he wanted to solve other people's problems. He wasn't so concerned about Hinata because they pissed off each other. But lately they've been getting closer. Still fighting, but got along when least expected.

"Kageyama-Kun...It'll be okay. We're gonna be okay, got it?" Hinata reached up, gently patting his back.

Kageyama gently nodded and continued sobbing into his shoulder.

"There, there Bakayama.."

Kageyama let out a choked out laugh between his tears.

"Heyoo!-" Sugawara stepped halfway into the doorway to see Hinata comforting Kageyama. He rushed over and hugged his underclassmen tightly before pulling away.

"Are you okay? Did someone bully Kageyama? Hinata, did you beat them for me? Tell me their names, I'll beat their asses to pulps-"

Kageyama let out another small laugh, sniffling a little. Hinata laughed as well.

"Suga-Senpai, Kageyama was just worrying about us too much, that's all!"

Suga let out a small gasp.

"Oh, did something hit you on the head? You poor boy!" Suga have Kageyama a hug.

Not far after, Daichi walked in and just joined in on the laughter and hugging.

It didn't take long for all of them to file in and see this.

Tsukishima obviously didn't join in.

"What a coincidence! Tanaka was going all existential crisis on me yesterday too!" Ennoshita laughed cheerfully, rubbing Tanaka's head.

"Ehh, it was only a few minutes!" His face grew red as he frowned.

"Tsukishima, erm-"

He looked at Asahi standing next to him.


"Asahi-San, I'm not gonna tease you or anything. The only thing I could poke fun of you about it how nervous you are and how you scare people."

"Jeez, I can't decide if that's a compliment." He half grumbled.

"Anyways, what is it?"

"Do you ever have existential crisis thoughts?"

"Not really," Tsukishima lied, "What about you?"

"Sometimes..." The goatee man scratched the back of his head nervously.

The blonde boy's brows furrowed. He stared directly at him.

"Be more confident. Don't think so much about the future. What matters is what's happening now and the memories we can create."

Asahi looked at Tsukishima in slight suprise. He expected him to be the last person to give him that piece of advice.

"Did you hit your head or something?!" Asahi blinked at him.

Everyone burst into laughter again.

Takeda walked into class.

"Okay, settle down!~" He smiled at his students.

"Okay!" They all went to their assigned seats.

"I'm assuming we had a sentimental moment 5 seconds ago."

A few let out a chuckle.

"Anyways, what did you guys think of the trip?"

"It was fun."

"I made new friends!"

"They traumatized me with their hyperactive energy."

"I lost 15 brain cells watching everyone."

"The same guy from last year scared me again."

Takeda couldn't help but laugh at their remarks.

"Well, now we're back at school, so guess what?"

Half of them let out long groans. The other half didn't bother saying anything.

And a few had some unnerving thoughts...

Because the year was coming to a close.


A/N: Reading your comments honestly makes my day considering how shitty my days normally are -w-

Anyways, phenomenal that I could publish two chapters within two days! I usually take a week or two and forget! Guess boredom is hitting me hard -3-

when this book ends, I guess I'll finally get started on those other ideas I had. I'll add on more random ideas I think of still relating to the idea of their disabilities and gives some explanation chapters.

Have a good day!~ ^w^

The Fallen Crows | Haikyuu!! Disabilities/Disease/Mental Issues AUWhere stories live. Discover now