Chapter 6 | Animals

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Yamaguchi woke up early, again. Strangely enough. He looked around and saw Ennoshita was asleep for once.

He got up and started to tip toe out of the room. He rounded the corner and nearly screamed.


"Quiet, Yamaguchi. People are still sleeping."

The tall boy was just in sweatpants, white t-shirt, and a dark green hoodie.

The freckle faced boy let out a shaky sigh as they both started walking outside.

They didn't say a word as they walked to the water fountains to get a drink of water.

"Why are you up?"

"Dunno, just woke up."


"Why are you up, Tsukki?"

"I just woke up too."


A small bark came from a few bushes. It made Yamaguchi jump and yelp, stumbling backwards into Tsukki and making them both fall down.

Yamaguchi rolled off Tsukki and looked at the puppy bouncing around them. The little pupper leaped into Yamaguchi's arms.

Yamaguchi's eyes shined with happiness as he hugged the little puppy.

Tsukki sat up, looking at them. He smiled a little, which Yamaguchi noticed.

"Can we keep it?!"

The puppy was a tiny husky with a mix of black and white fur with blue and grey eyes.

"What would we name it?"

Yamaguchi stared at the pup's eyes for a second.


Tsukishima stared at Yamaguchi. He felt a small happiness deep in his salty, tainted heart.

"Okay then, where would we keep him?"

"oh, we can just, hide him near a tree."

They did so, finding a nice tree.

"Okay, so, how will we contain him?"

"I got it!"

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima started building a fence, far enough from the camp, but large enough for the pup to explore.

{ ~ }


"Kuroo, slow down!"

"Kenma, we're climbing and jumping off trees. Momentum! And Akaashi, slow down!"

The black haired leader leaped off before hitting a branch and falling to the forest floor.


Kenma scrambled down to check on his childhood friend.

Akaashi leaped down, ducking into a roll.

Bokuto followed Akaashi, simply leaping down.

"Bokuto-San, that's how you break your legs."

"I'll be fine!"

Kenma calmly checked Kuroo's leg.

"It's fine, he just scratched his leg a little."


They all turned, hearing a hoot, a bird-like screech, and a small, sly meow.

A small black cat, a crow with no left leg, and a loud owl came hopping and leaping out the bushes.

"Akaashi! Look!"

"Yes, I see them, Bokuto. Don't try to grab them with just your hands, be gentle."

Bokuto scooped up the smol baby owl as it hopped around on his arms and hands, "EEEEEEEEEEE-"

The small black cat circled Kenma and Kuroo.

Kenma didn't mind the cat, watching the small, quiet, cautious crow. It looked suspicious to them and it looked at them like they were suspicious. He tilted his head. The crow mimicked his action.

". . ."

"Kenma, this cat is just like you! It's so calm and pouty, but it likes hugs!"

"stop it-"

The crow started hopping away.

"wait, the crow is going-"

Kenma chased the little hopping crow, making everyone else get up and follow him too.

"Kenma-Kun, do you know where we're going?"

"No, not really."

"Gut feeling?"



"Thanks for believing in me, Akaashi."


Kenma stopped right when the crow stopped, making all the boys blink at the sight they saw.

"holy shit."

{ ~ }

A/N: Happy Lunar New Year! Hope you guys have a great day! ^^

The Fallen Crows | Haikyuu!! Disabilities/Disease/Mental Issues AUWhere stories live. Discover now