Chapter 1: When the Sun Rises

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"Ariel Walker, your Nobel prize of Literature and Novel is being given to you today because you have shaped many young- and old-", the man in the black suit and tie grabbed the mic and looked out into the crowd of people, "minds, and the city thinks you deserve a reward for that! So, Ariel Walker, do you accept this prize?", the speaker turned to Ariel and held a medium sized sign with gold letters on it saying 'Author Of The Century'. Ariel glanced passed the man and to her husband, Ryan, and smiled, looking back to the speaker and taking the prize gratefully. The speaker put an arm around Ariel and waved to the crowd as everyone clapped their hands together, big smiles across their faces. Ryan ran out onto the stage and hugged his wife quickly, leaning in for a kiss when-

"Ariel! Wake up! It's monday, hon, you're running late for school!", the voice of Ariel's mother, Sandra, woke her up from her dream. Her dream. Ariel shot straight up and hid her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes. She looked over at her mother and almost glared at her, but remembered not to. She huffed. Her mother had -yet again- woken her up from an amazing dream; she had one a Nobel Prize of being an author, been married to her crush, and she saw her missing cousin Mya in the crowd. 'Mya...'

"Oh... morning mom, sorry, I-I must've slept through my alarm.", Ariel got out of bed and ran to her wooden dresser, opening and closing drawers, looking for clothes. She eventually found a tan colored turtle neck and a black skirt. She shrugged, deciding the outfit was ok, even though she didn't exactly have the self-confidence to wear a skirt to school. She put on the clothes and walked over to her mirror that was leaning against the wall on the floor, straightening herself up in front of it. Quickly, she grabbed her bag and ran out of her room, heading down the hallway, then to the bathroom, only to slam into the closed door. Ariel twisted the knob, but it was locked. 

"Ari, sweetheart, I'm in here!", Sandra's muffled voice called from the inside. Her mother opened the door and Ariel nearly gasped in shock. Her mother's hair was frizzy, her blonde streaks that ran through her brown hair sticking out in all directions. "I'm trying to fix this.", Sandra pointed to her head with a pouting look on her face. Ariel reached in the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste off the counter quickly, then ran downstairs. She didn't have time for this. She walked into the kitchen and stepped in front of the sink, turning on the cold faucet water and brushing her teeth. She grabbed a muffin on her way out, walking out the back door before yelling "goodbye" to her mom. She ate the small muffin and began running her fingers through her hair, trying to get some of the knots out, considering she forgot to even brush her hair in all the rush. Her backpack hung on one shoulder as she took a turn and walked up the street that lead to her school. Ariel pulled her phone out of her side pocket on her bag, her eyes widening once she checked the time. It was 8:30, she was going to be late! Ariel shoved her phone back into the pocket and took off in a run, only running for about 10 seconds before slamming into something- or more, someone. Ariel landed on her behind on the ground, grumbling to herself as wiped the dirt and left-over muffin on off of her. She looked up at the stranger, pushing her long, dark brown hair behind her ear. 

"You alright?", the person asked, somehow keeping the boxes in balance. Ariel almost cursed, she hadn't even realized the person was there- nevertheless that they were carrying boxes that could be full of fragile and valuable items. 

"I'm fine... a-are you? Sorry, I-", as Ariel began to stand, the other person interrupted her. 

"That's alright.", they said calmly. Ariel looked up into the person's eyes, studying them. They were blue with a hand of grey, and they were slightly fogged over. They were... beautiful. Their hair was completely white, the long, wavy hair reaching to their middle back. Their skin was pale and almost a blue color, small freckles dusting their cheeks below their eyes. 'Wow! Story character idea who-', Ariel's thoughts were put to a stop when the person put a hand on her shoulder. "Aren't you supposed to be at school? It's about time it started for kids your age, right?", they asked, smiling slightly. Ariel's eyes widened like saucers. Now she was definately late, how was she going to explain the 6th tardy this month to her history teacher?! 

"Oh shi- shoot, you're right! I better go!", Ariel took off again as the person waved her goodbye. 

"Jumpy, isn't she...?", they whispered to themself, smirking.


Ariel walked into her school, ten minutes late and signing in at the office. She couldn't stop thinking about the encounter with that person though, or more so- the person themself. Their long, beautiful hair and eyes, their odd but cute style of clothing... Ariel shook the thoughts from her head. She had to focus on her work today. The Novel Competition was coming up anyways, so she had to work on her book as much as she could whenever she could. Ariel turned to the right, passing the cafeteria, that still had kids sitting and eating. 'A bus must've been late.', Ariel thought as she started walking up the stairs. She put her things in her locker, then headed to her first period class, History. She knocked on the door, muttering a soft "boring" to herself before a student answered, stepping aside to let her in. Ariel walked in, the teacher clicking his tongue as she sat down. 

"Is there a reason for your being late, Ms Wilson?", the teacher leaned back in his chair, looking up at Ariel through his blue rimmed glasses. 

"U-Uhm... heh, yeah, ya see- I was running late this morning and I ran into this thing- uh- person and-", the teacher sighed heavily, cutting the brunette teen off. 

"Yeah yeah, I've heard every excuse from you by now Wilson, sit down and open up to page 156.", the teacher waved her off and turned back to his desk, some students snickering in the back of the class. Ariel swallowed, her throat was dry. She hated when students laughed at her, even if it wasn't directed straight at her. The class went by quickly, luckily for Ariel, and the bell rang after what seemed like only 30 minutes. She jumped up from her seat, grabbing her bag and walking outside of the classroom, walking around the corner to her left to get a drink from the water fountain. She got a drink and finished sipping some water and turned around, only to bump into some dude with a red sweater on. She fell back slightly, leaning against the water fountain and staring straight down at her feet. 

"Watch it-", Ariel stopped herself as she looked up to see who she was talking to. Ryan. Ryan Walker. 'No, no, nononononono-', her thoughts were rushing like a subway station in New York on Christmas Eve and her cheeks went completely red. She still stared at Ryan though, not able to take her eyes off him and creeping him out a little. 

"Um. Are you going to let me get a drink or should I go somewhere else?", the brown haired boy leaned down to Ariel's flustered face and she quickly nodded, moving out of the way.

"Er- sorry, you just scared me.", her voice was quiet and barely even audible by the other teen before she ran off to her next class, science. 

That's part one of chapter one, that's all I'm releasing for now. So, hope you enjoyed and I hope this story gets big, especially when I stay up until 1:29 pm and shit. I also hope to get big enough to where people ship characters and things ya know? Hope you enjoyed this :) 

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