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"Uhm... Noah- a-are we... what's this... planet  called?", Ariel felt embarrassed asking the question. Was there even an answer to that? 

"Disulara. But some people call it 'Lara' for short.", Noah's eyes widened slightly and he looked at Ariel, "You're not... from here, are you?", he questions her, squinting his brown eyes. Ariel shakes her head.

"I guess not. Disulara... huh...."

"We're on another planet?! Seriously?!", Lexi pulled at the tips of her hair, holding her breath in frustration. She let the breath go.

"Is... there another planet in your solar system called 'Earth' ?", Ariel looked around. What was she supposed to do? She was just told that she was on another planet. This was... scary. Noah walked away, heading to a wooden, obviously self crafted, table across the room. Ariel, Z, and Lexi followed behind him. Noah pulled out a map of the solar system surrounding their planet, pointing out certain planets that neither Lexi or Ariel could recognize. Nonia, Jetrenoe, Gexinus... the only thing on the map that made sense to them was the sun. 

"No. What's... 'Earth' ...?", Noah was smiling, but it was a confused smile. It was almost like he didn't trust Ariel, or like he thought she was drunken or something. 

"A planet like your's... except different. It's kind of more destroyed, broken... but that's where I'm from. Almost 80% percent of our planet is covered in water, the rest is land, dirt, sand, and-"

"I'm aware of what all that is. But you're saying this 'Earth' is a planet?", Noah chuckled. His chuckling turned to nervous laughter however, when Z put her hand on Ariel's shoulder and her eyes began to glow a brighter blue. Noah gasped, stepping back. Lexi looked to Z, then to Noah, entirely confused. Noah nodded at the tall girl and she nodded back. Z took her hand off of Ariel, smiling sweetly. She turned to Noah.

"She's telling the truth...", her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I knew you could talk!", Lexi pointed at Z, Ariel shushing her. Noah stepped in front of Z, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking into her distant eyes. Z nodded. 

"Earth is... real? How are you here then?", Noah's eyes turned to Ariel's. The brunette shrugged her shoulders. 

"That's the question I guess I kind of hoped you would answer, ya know, since Kibo pointed us in this direction. Just thought maybe you'd know...", Ariel trailed off as she noticed Noah's expression changed completely. It was filled with fear and shock. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he clenched his hands into fists tightly. "W-what is it?", Ariel asked softly, reaching to Noah, but there was some sort of force-field surrounding him. Z grabbed Ariel, pointing at Noah.

"It's me.", Z whispered. Her? Was it her doing this to Noah? Lexi almost face-palmed. Not knowing what was going on was probably one of her biggest pet peeves. 

     Suddenly, Noah was dropped. He rubbed his head before standing back up and brushing himself off. 

"Z, you can't do that! I got the message...", he grumbles, grabbing his lantern. He walks over to Ariel. 


"Why are you here? Huh? Explain yourself. Now.", Noah pointed the lantern holder at her. She gulped. She had to think about this. She remembered the school, talking to Lexi, ripping her papers, reading that book, and- The book! It was the book! Mya... she was here for Mya. Right? Was she? Maybe if she said she was here to rescue someone, Noah -nor Z- would hurt her? Maybe they weren't planning on hurting her at all? She was unsure, but the one thing she was sure of, was what she blurted out next would change what was going to happen completely. 

"To save my cousin Mya.", Lexi looked to Ariel, hearing the words being a quick shock to her.

"You planned this!?", Lexi grabbed Ariel's wrist, yanking her close to her face, "A-are you kidding? I wanna go home!", Lexi was angry- no, scared, frustrated. Ariel could see it in her eyes, her expression.

"N-no! Not at all- I've been wanting to save my missing cousin, Mya, for a long time now! And- and the book! It was in her closet, remember? I told you I found it. The Hebrew writing, the translation! Oh my goodness! The translation, it was a spell! Why didn't we notice...? It was rhyming, it was- holy crap! This is life changing! This is...", Ariel couldn't find the words. She was (for once) speechless. What could  she say? She just traveled through dimensions, some how, for some reason, ending up here, on planet Disulara! 'Maybe it was... fate... that brought be here. For Mya!', Ariel's thoughts were practically going 500 miles per hour. She was so excited. What if this was where her cousin had been all this time? Maybe that was why no one could trace her or prove anyone guilty! That's why her case has been open for four months! Maybe...


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