"I guess so."

9 3 2

The first four classes went by quickly, but by the time lunch came around, time seemed to slow down. Ariel finished her lunch by herself, considering she didn't have any close friends that would want to sit with her. She threw her trash away and headed to the bathroom next to the library. She was about to walk in when an arm stopped her from doing so. She looked up, to her right, where the person was. 'Ah- RYAN?', she questioned herself internally. Were her eyes decieving her? No. Probably not with the luck she had. 

"Hey. I know you, you ran into me at the water fountain earlier today. Ya know, that time you told me to 'watch it'.", Ryan looked her in the eyes, their height difference obvious since Ariel was looking up and Ryan was bent over slightly. 

"Uhm... yeah. That's me, Ariel Wa- Wilson! Wilson.", Ariel almost said 'Walker'. Wow. 'What an idiot I am!', she thought to herself, mentally face-palming. 

"Well, Ariel "Wa-Wilson... I was wondering, would you wanna help me with this history project on early vikings that's due on Thursday? I heard from rumor that you're really smart, and-"

"Yes!". Ariel answered before he could even finish what he was saying. 

"Yes? Oh- thanks! Anyway, how about we meet after school... say... Wednesday night? Six-thirty? The park?", Ryan smiled. Ariel blushed, of course, smiling widely back at him. 

"Yeah! Alright, see ya then!", she waved she watched Ryan walk the other way, "After while crocodile!", she smiled. Her smiling face changed to a shocked one though as realization hit her. She really just said that. To one of the most popular guys at her highschool. Ariel almost died on the spot. 

"After while, crocodile!", Ryan waves as he turns the corner. Ariel smiled again. Her crush was practically flirting back with her! The bell rang, making Ariel jump. She made a beeline for the staircase that lead upstairs, heading to her next class period. Art. The class she probably loved most, even though no one spoke to her in there. She walked into the messy classroom, setting her bag on her desk, which was seated near the window, giving her great lighting. The teacher stood at the front of the classroom, his smile big and his attitude cheerful as usual. 

"We'll have free-time today, due to major set backs, because some students...", the art teacher looked to the back table, where some girls were snickering and gave them 'the look', making them shut their mouths, "...messed with the art supplies yesterday after school.", he clapped his hands together. 

"Uh, Mr.Friar, sir.", a student in the back raised his hand as Ariel took her notebook out of her bag, "Can't we just do finger painting instead?", the boy smiled. Ariel looked at him, her eyes wide and her expression annoyed. She finally had time to work on her story, and this suck-up, wanna-be artist had to take that from her?! 

"That'd be nice, but it was the paint the students dumped, so, sorry, but we can't work on anything today.", Mr.Friar turned around, sitting in his chair at his desk, "Now, do whatever, as long as it isn't dangerous and doesn't end up in any bloody noses or broken bones!", he waves the students off, turning around and grading some old artwork. Ariel sighed happily, getting to work with her story. She started mumbling to herself, reading her story out loud.

"He started to look away, blush spread across his face from ear to ear...", a few mumbles no one could understand, "he couldn't stop- he didn't want to. He was in love...", she mumbled more, until giggling and laughter broke her out of her trance. She shot her head up and looked to her right, seeing the girls from the back of the classroom looking down at her notebook. 

"A romance novel? Really? This isn't seventh grade, Ariel.", the red-headed girl, Jamiah, stepped in front of the group. It was Ariel's old friend. She had been friends with her throughout elementary school, but in eighth grade, she just- turned on her.

"Jam, go away-", Ariel stopped herself in her tracks. She had just called her Jam. She hadn't called her that in years! Great. Just great. 

"Jam? Ugh, that nickname is so annoying! Would you quit it?!", Jamiah snatched Ariel's notebook, tearing a sticker or two off of it. Ariel watched as the stickers landed softly on the ground, her eyes looking back up into Jamiah's blue ones. Jamiah began reading the story aloud. " 'He looked into her dazzling, brown eyes!' ", she mocked, dropping the notebook on the ground and stomping on it. Thankfully, Mr.Friar looked over at the right time, raising a hand in the air.

"Stop right now, Jamiah! Did you want lunch detention again?", Mr.Friar walked over and picked up the notebook, dusting it off and handing it to Ariel, "There ya go, kiddo.", he smiled. Jamiah rolled her eyes, walking through the crowd of girls who followed after he. They all sat back at their table, whispering things into each others' ears. 

"Man, those girls are rude.", Ariel looked over to see who the voice came from, but she couldn't tell since the table next to her's was full of kids. Mr.Friar put a hand on Ariel's shoulder. 

"Stereotypical, huh?", he smirked, Ariel nodded. 

"Yeah. Didn't think high school would have actual mean girls, actual jocks, and actual nerds... ya know?", Ariel looked up at Mr.Friar, who was nodding. 

"I know this sounds cheesy, but high school really is tough, especially with a bunch hormonal, touch starved, angry teens. you get used to it after a year or so though. I did.", Mr.Friar walked away, sitting back at his desk. Ariel was able to fix up her notebook and get a few more pages written before the bell rang, dismissing school for the day. Ariel got her bag and rushed out, getting some things from her locker, which was right outside of the art room. As Jamiah and her "goons" walked out of the class, each of them bumped shoulders with Ariel, one by one. The brunette huffed, closing her locker and heading downstairs, walking out through the main doors. 

She began her walk home. holding her backpack straps as she walked down the hill that lead to her neighborhood. 

"Hello!", a voice from Ariel's left called. She looked over, seeing the person from this morning on their porch, eating what looked to be chips and salsa. 

"Oh- hello." Ariel waved and was about to walk away when the person spoke again.

"Not to be creepy or anything, but I never got your name this morning.", the person stood up, putting their snack down. They walked down, standing in front of Ariel. Ariel looked to the side. Should she tell them? It wasn't like they could do anything with her name.

"Ariel Wilson. Your's?", Ariel spoke up, suddenly feeling more confident than usual. For no reason inparticular actually. 

"Reanna.", the person lied. Ariel shook her head. 

"You don't look like a Reanna.", she said smiling. The person scoffed, smirking.

"Well, I don't think I would've thought you looked like an Ariel before you said your name. I would've thought you were... a Bella, or Julia.", Reanna chuckled. 

"I uh, better get going! I've got things to do! Bye!", Ariel waved goodbye and started running towards her house.

"Strange girl, huh...", Nobody's eyes glowed, a sort of blue color, "I guess so."

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