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"Oh my God!", Ariel jumped up and down, her thoughts going as fast as they've ever gone. It was like there were a million tiny voices in her head, shouting the same ideas in different format, and they were going impossibly fast!

"What?", Noah looked confused and so did Lexi, both of them standing there with expressions that pointed out they were... weirded out. 

"I think... Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy, but....", Ariel trailed off, blushing in slight embarrassment. 

"But...?", Noah pushed further.

"But I think Mya, my missing cousin, might be here !", Ariel's expression was probably the happiest person Noah, along with Lexi and Z, had seen in their lives. 

"You're right, that does sound crazy. This whole thing is crazy!", Lexi ran her fingers through her hair, biting her tongue (literally). Noah shrugged.

"But why would she be here? How  could she be here?", He leaned forward, using his staff to hold him up. Ariel smiled even bigger, if even possible. 

"Well, she had this book that brought me and Lexi here! So it would only make sense if she...", the looks that the three other people were giving her made her stop. "What?"

"Mya who?", Noah didn't look like he wanted  to know. He looked like... Ariel couldn't even tell. 

"Caronburge. She's like five- foot- two, has short brown hair, big brown eyes, she's normally wearing comfy clothes-"

"She...", Noah looks to Z, "Does Nobody have her?", Z looked at Noah. She closed her eyes for about a minute before opening them again, nodding her head.

"Nobody? What do you mean 'Nobody' ?", Ariel wasn't angry, but not knowing about her cousin while other people did just ticked her off. 

"Nobody is a powerful being of our dimension, you probably haven't hurt of them....", Noah smiles anxiously, leaning against the wall. Ariel shook her head, looking to the ground before looking up at Z and Noah. Lexi just stood there silently, not knowing what to say. She couldn't agree with anything anyone said right now, she hated this. She wanted to go home. Now.

"Wait, wait, Nobody? Is 'Nobody' a name...? Or multiple people?", Ariel held her hands out, bending them at the elbow, shrugging. Noah nodded.

"Nobody has no gender.", Noah glances out the window, thinking he saw a shadow. He looks away for a moment before another shadow goes across the window. He squints, looking over. The door busted open, Noah readying his staff and holding it out in a defensive position. Ariel grabbed a vase off the table and Lexi stepped back in surprise. Z's eyes glowed brightly as a group, and a big one, of elves enter the room. No, not small little 'Christmas elves' that are like two feet tall, but the elves that look dangerous and kind of threatening. 

"Drop your weapons! Now!", the what seemed to be "lead elf" pointed a spear at Noah, then aiming it at Ariel as Noah sets his staff aside. Z stands aside, her eyes not glowing anymore as she backs down. Lexi lifts her hands in a sarcastic tone. 

"Okay, okay! What do you want?!", Noah glares at the group of elves, watching as some of them start raiding the cabinets and the rest just stand behind the lead elf. 

"We are the Earth Chime Tribe!", the lead elf announced, completely ignoring Noah's question, "I'm Elmon, lead of Earth Chime Tribe!", the older elf's attention turned to a few small elves playing around, "Hey! Stop it, right now!", he gives the two kids a stern look and stop immediately, standing up straight. 

"Roast, stop it, you'll get us in trouble!", a whisper came from the far side of the room and everyone glances over to see two elves playing around. 

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