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Seokjin was undoubtedly feeling much better after an hour. Maybe all he truly needed was some time for himself?

Just as he was about to leave, however,

The bathroom doors slammed open, and unexpectedly Seokjin found himself being pinned up against the wall, wrists placed securely above his head.

He let out a yelp in alarm, eyes widening and lips parting in confusion.

Kim Fucking Namjoon.

"There's one thing you should know about me," Namjoon growled lowly, eyes dark.

Seokjin gulped, stiffly trying to disregard the way his provocative voice had just awoken thy dick.

'Fuck off you dumb cock. I'm furious at him right now, don't you turn against me as well.' Seokjin thought.

Namjoon leaned in even closer, lips scarcely grazing against his ear. Seokjin's face crimsoned as he attempted to squirm out of his hold - which didn't last long before he eventually gave in, realising that his efforts were vain.

Namjoon smirked.

Seokjin trembled.

He panted softly at the tingling sensation of his heated breath in his ear. 'This must be an eargasm', Seokjin thought.

"Unlucky for you, Seokjin.." He began slowly, emitting shivers down his spine.

Seokjin's jaw sank, voicing out a shriek as he felt himself being hoisted up by the waist and planted atop the sink. He stared deeply into Namjoon's eyes; the mahogany coloured orbs that were scintillated with a mischievous and playful glint.

He felt breathless.

The spirals of earthy brown that collided with honey droplets made him undoubtedly come to a conclusion. These were the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen in his life.

However, contrasting to the innocence and vulnerability that was portrayed in his eyes, he spoke,

"I fucking hate liars."

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