Pride and Sloth

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Warning! It contains rape and a lot of torcher bot graphic, but it is mentioned!

Molly woke up slowly in the trunk of a car. Her hands and feet were tied separately but then tied up again together to make sure she wouldn't be able to get away. Molly knew that spencer would hate himself until he found her, but she knew she had to stay healthy for his sake and the sake of the others on the team. Molly struggled agents the tight rope and realized she wasn't wearing her pajamas but a black sheer nightgown and underwear too. She remembered wearing something like this when she was ten years old in front of her father's friends. They loved it and not knowing any better, and she did what they asked her to do. Now she was an adult able to fight, and that is what she was going to do.

"Good morning, princess. Are you ready to put on a show for daddy?" Pride asked as he was pleased with his work.

"Go to hell, you sick son of a bitch!" She screamed as she saw Sloth standing next to him.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said Lucifer was going to get prettier when she got older. Hot dumb, I can't wait to get my hands on her," he said, licking his lips.

"You can go to hell too! You're not going to break me so easily. Satan is the one who touched me since I was four years old. I think I can handle two disgusting pedophiles like you!" She hissed.

"Lucifer, we aren't here to kill you; my dear girl hasn't had a kid yet, and remember what dad said about having children? Your 28 years old most of us killed the girls we were with after having a kid with them, but you have no kid and no husband. We felt disappointed. I thought you were going to be better than your dad, I guess not," Sloth smiled.

"I would rather die than bring a child into this world, that is any of yours!" She yelled angrily as Pride smiled and took out a knife.

"We will see about that; also, you will break sooner or later. Lust took me six years to break; you, I dont know. But you're strong enough to go for a long time. I will butcher your children right in front of you," pride chuckled as sloth held her down and cut the rope, and dropped it. He grabbed her legs as she screamed out, and Sloth grabbed her arms, and they pulled her out of the trunk. She fought the whole way as they dragged her into a barn. They had a table prepared just for her, and she fought harder to getaway.

"Let me go!" She screamed as they placed her on the table and put a leather belt around her neck to the table.

"Ready Pride?" Sloth asked as he was going to undo the roops on her hands.

"Do it!" He said as he untied her hands, and she started to throw some punches.

Pride and Sloth chained her arms to the table and then her feet. But her legs were bent so they could have easy access to the lower body.

"Wow, you put up one hell of a fight, im proud of you, Lucifer, but you know what we get to do now?" Pride asked as he got a car battery and jumper cables. He put on some gloves, and she tried to give them the best brave face she could muster as Sloth pulled a branding iron out of a fire.

Molly started to say her prayers in Hawaiin as she was trying to keep herself calm, but she was scared.

What she didn't know was that they were recording it, and the team was watching it as it was happening.

"I can't trace it!" Pen yelled as Molly screamed in pure agony.

"Try it again!" Rossi yelled as JJ started to cry.

"Come on, you fucking bastards, is that all you got! My father did worse to me! You call yourselves the best but your the worst at torcher!" She screamed as Sloth branded her.

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