Chapter 11

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The next days were boring; Echopaw was still confined to camp, except for fetching fresh moss for the elders, whom she took care of all day, every day. Echopaw couldn't wait any longer until the full-moon; she was counting down until the next Gathering, then she'd be able to start her training again.

Whisperpaw had already started battle training and was on most of the dawn or evening patrols. Even though she had lots to do as an apprentice, Whisperpaw had shown Echopaw the hunting crouch every night before they went to sleep, so that Echopaw wouldn't be so far behind when she started training again. Being confined to camp wasn't so bad when Whisperpaw gave her some lessons.

Yellowpaw looked dreadful most of the time, probably thinking of the prophecy and danger. Echopaw kept trying to convince her that everything would be alright, but she still looked scared all the time. Her parents became worried about her and kept asking Goldheart if anything was wrong. Goldheart just replied that she was a little stressed about memorizing all the herbs, but it didn't look like they had believed him.

Aspenleaf was all healed up, no infections whatsoever. She had been exercising with Creekfall every day and was told by Goldheart that she could do warrior duties again, but she had to come to the medicine cats' den for a check-up every night before she went to sleep, to make sure she wasn't doing something to reopen the wound.

Echopaw was now heading for the camp entrance, going to fetch some fresh moss for the nursery. She passed Aspenleaf and Creekfall, sharing a blue jay by the sunning-stones. Whisperpaw was out on the dawn patrol with Gravelpelt, Sparrowtail, and Sunfur. Echopaw longed to go with them, but knew that in a few days she could, since the Gathering was very soon. Echopaw had seen the moon last night, and it was nearly full. Echopaw's paws tingled with excitement as she thought about training again, and possibly being able to go to the Gathering.

Echopaw saw Twigfoot and Eveningstar talking with Prairiefoot and Meadowheart over by the High-stone. Then Eveningstar nodded and meowed, "I'll lead one hunting patrol, and Copperleaf can lead the other. We leave when the dawn patrol returns."

Echopaw continued to pad toward the bramble bushes, but was stopped by Twilightfoot. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the stream, to get fresh moss for the nursery and elders," she told him.

"Alright," he nodded, then padded back toward the clearing.

Hailkit had overheard this and came bounding up to Echopaw. "Need help?"

Echopaw nodded gratefully, "Thanks. Make sure it's alright with Moonshine first."

Hailkit trotted away toward Moonshine. Echopaw saw him nodding and meowing something to his mother, then he came back toward Echopaw and told her the answer she had hoped for, "She said it was alright."

Echopaw purred and lead the way out of camp. The forest was turning all shades of yellow, orange, and red. A cool breeze whispered through the trees, and the birds sang along with it. Leaf-fall was definitely approaching.

Echopaw turned around and was about to tell Hailkit to hurry up, but he wasn't there. She looked around, trying to locate him; she knew he was hiding and was going to jump out and scare her, typical Hailkit behavior. He hadn't even started training and he was already good at being quiet while he snuck through the forest. Echopaw scanned the bushes for his pelt, which should have been easy to find, since it was gray and white, but couldn't find him.

Then all of a sudden she was knocked over from behind and she landed in a pile of moldy leaves. Hailkit was now on top of her, laughing his head off. Echopaw scowled and meowed, "We're supposed to be collecting moss, you stupid furball. This is my punishment, it isn't supposed to be fun."

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