July 11, Morning

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I woke up the next morning feeling more rested than I had in years. I guess going to bed at sundown and getting seven hours of sleep will do that for you. I got up and washed my face. I pulled on my last clean work shirt and my work skirt. I would need to do laundry in the next day or two as I needed clean clothes and I was sure the men in my house would need their clothing laundered as well. I quietly headed down the back stairs to the kitchen.

I got the days bread started. I was going to make twice the amount I usually made in the hopes that it would last a couple days with all the extra mouths I needed to feed now. I covered the bowl of dough and headed outside to feed the animals and milk the goats and cows. I would have to ask one of the men to help me get the milks out of the well for breakfast. I finished up in the barn and started carrying in the first of the milk jugs to settle. I entered the kitchen to find Mr. Blackbourne looking sleep tousled and not fully awake yet still perfectly dressed for the day. Did he wake up like that?

"Good morning miss Sang. Are there more jugs to be brought in?" He greeted me as I placed the jug on the counter.

I smiled at him shyly and answered "Good morning sir. Did you sleep well? To answer your question just the goat's milk one and the containers from the well also need to come in. I want to use the older milk today and I need to make more yogurt and cheese with the goat milk. If you can get those for me, I'll wash up and start on breakfast. I assume the others will be down soon?"

I watched him run his hands over his face in an attempt to wake up some more before turning to the door with a nod and a wave. I washed my hands again and tried to figure out what to feed everyone this morning. I punched the bread dough down and formed it into loaves while I tried to decide on breakfast. I chose to make eggs and pancakes. I had some black walnut syrup from earlier in the spring as well as some fruit that remained from last falls canning. I had no idea who canned for Jed last year, but I was thankful someone had. I had started adding to it with this springs fruit. I would need to use the older items first before I used too much of the new stock.

I was just starting the pancakes when Mr. Blackbourne made his first trip in, he put the new goat's milk on the floor by the jug of cow's milk and headed back outside. I decided to move both containers out of the way and into the pantry until needed. I also grabbed the container of coffee I had in the pantry to make up a pot for all the men. I set the coffee to brewing in the percolator and returned to making breakfast. Mr. Kota was the next man to come down looking just as tired as Mr. Blackbourne. I wondered how late they had stayed up to look so exhausted still.

I nodded at Mr. Kota and flipped the pancakes. I was almost done making a giant stack when the rest of the men came into the kitchen. Given the scowl on Mr. North's face I was starting to think he always looked grumpy so wasn't all that worried I'd done something wrong. "If I could get one of you to help Mr. Blackbourne, he's bringing in the milk from the well. Someone else could set the table and if one of you could watch the eggs for me, I'll run get the rest of what is needed for breakfast." Mr. North took the spatula from my hand and moved me away from the stove. I guess he was taking over the eggs. Mr. Kota started directing the others in how they could help as I left the room.

I heard a quiet step behind me, "Cupcake can I help you carry things?" I smiled, Mr. Luke had yet to address me by name and it made me happy for some reason. I hated the names both mother and Jed called me, but Mr. Luke's Cupcake made me feel special like he wanted me around. Though I did have to wonder if he remembered my actual name.

I passed him the jar of walnut syrup and moved to the shelves that still held last falls fruit. "Which do you like better peaches, persimmons, plums, this looks like strawberries and there might be a jar of blueberries down here."

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