~A Report~

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            Victor gently closed another drawer. He was starting to hate being in this room. He could see the wisdom of turning the creepy inner room into a clinic for Sean but sitting and looking at the bookshelf hiding the entrance, knowing that the shrine within was still intact, disturbed him. There was also the fact that this office area was so different in feel from the rest of the house. The rest of the house felt like stepping back in time, while this space was incredibly modern. There was also the difference in level of care between the two areas. Sang was meticulous in her housekeeping. The main house was spotless and inviting, while this office was filthy and sterile, the quick sweeping and dusting he and Kota had done was not enough to truly clean the office area rather it just removed the surface layer of neglect.

With the return to base rapidly approaching, he needed to have something concrete to show for the week they'd spent here. He knew the information they needed was on this computer he just needed to get it. It was time to start going through the file cabinets.

"Victor, do you need a hand in here?" Sean asked from the door, startling him from his musings.

"I thought you were outside helping the field." Victor asked his forehead wrinkling in confusion.

"Owen sent me in to help you. I have shaved pigs I can now die happy." Sean quipped. "Actually, Owen figured it would be better if I stayed in the yard. That way I was easily accessible if something happened in the butchering hut or with Sang"

"In that case, yes I could use a hand. I'm just starting the files. I'm hoping to find the password for the computer in one of them."

"Have you tried anything yet? The file on Jed didn't indicate that he was tech savvy. Could he have picked one of the most common passwords?" Sean asked as he opened the file cabinet furthest from the door.

"I haven't. Do you know if Owen has Jed's file with him?"

"I think he does, let me run upstairs and check." Sean replied before leaving the office.

Victor turned back to the computer that seemed to be taunting him. Plugging in Corey's magic USB, he booted the system and tried the first password that came to mind. Sangsorenson...Jed may not have bothered actually giving his young bride his last name, but chances were, he thought of her that way given how obsessed with her he'd been.

"Holy crap it worked!" Victor yelped as the drive decrypted. Quickly he ran the usual document scan tools. Inputting a few keyword searches to see if the documents he was looking for were even stored on this machine. He was startled and elated to when his cursory search turned up dozens of documents containing those words.

"I heard your exclamation. What did you find?" Sean asked coming back into the office, a thick file in hand.

"I got in. Corey's program worked like a charm and Jed was a tech idiot. He used Sang's name as his password. There are dozens of documents on here that contain the information we are looking for. I'm going to take the tower back to base and let Corey have his wicked way with it." Victor said, his eyes blazing with triumph.

"Good. The faster we can close the book on Jed and his activities the faster we can put him behind us and Sang. I want to start our life here with her free from the looming shadow of Jed."

The pair moved on to the paper files and started going through the information stored there.

"We need a box to carry these files back to base. This entire file cabinet seems to be filled with evidence of terrorist activities. Looks like the bombing attempts weren't this groups first foray into terrorism, just the only one that went beyond the planning phase." Came a comment from Victor a half hour into their sorting.

"I'll see if Sang has a box we can use later, for now just leave them and move on we still have four more file cabinets to go through and all of the bookshelves." The two men looked around and their shoulders slumped. The job just kept getting bigger, every time they thought they'd made headway another piece of the puzzle was unearthed.

"Oh, look more creepy pictures of Sang, and here is an entire file full of inappropriate love poetry aimed at an under aged Sang. This guy just gets creepier the more we dig." The disgust in Sean's voice seemed to drip off the walls.

Victor shivered "I feel like I need to bathe in bleach every time I come in here. I have never been happier to know another person is dead."

"Soon we can tell Sang that her nightmare is over. Even if she is so indoctrinated as to think his behavior towards her was justified."

The two men lapsed back onto silence as they continued with their sorting. Lunch could not come fast enough for either man. 

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